Scrappy View on Sewing!

Not too long ago, I completed a rail fence scrap quilt. After seeing it on the sofa for the last few weeks, I couldn’t stand it any longer . . . I spent yesterday cutting all my scraps into MORE rail fence pieces and plan to make another one. I find it fascinating to see how a random combination of fabric can be soothing, interesting, and pretty at the same time.

Kind of like people when they cooperate and work together towards a common good. Each one is different and unique yet they all blend together somehow. I like looking at quilts and trying to find a reason for them!

I do have a secret incorporated into my quilts. Many of them have a scapular sewn inside. Kind of like sending a little blessing along with the gift.

Quilting has taught me patience in spite of my lazier inclinations. I do have to admit that I’m always looking for shortcuts. A great site for easier cutting and piecing can be found on the Quilt in a Day web page. Although there is a cost for some of the patterns, they also offer many free ones which include tips for faster cutting and sewing.

I tend to find a pattern I like in quilting and make several quilts with the basic plan before my husband suggests I (please!) try another one. Last time, it was the rail fence. I made four quilts with that pattern. Even I tired of it!

I have never taken a quilting class so other people might be totally familiar with this method of piecing. That’s okay, I’m still thrilled to have finally found it myself! You take two squares of fabric and line them together, right sides facing. Pin the fabric to stabilize. Using a ruler and a fabric marker, chalk, or pen, draw a line from one corner of the square diagonally to the other. Sew a quarter inch seam on each side of the line. Cut down the line (not either seam!), open up, press, and you have a square with two perfectly sewn together triangles.

My husband once asked me what my favorite tasks were in quilting. I said they were finding a pattern, selecting the fabric, and the last stitch!

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Conquering Crocheting . . .

P1060233I’ve been busy crocheting Christmas gifts and after making four afghans, I had a lot of yarn still left over. You can see from the picture that I’m trying to put the odds and ends to good use. One problem! I ended up having to purchase three or four more skeins of yarn in order to have enough to continue and now . . . have a whole, new set of leftover yarn to deal with.

The same thing happens with my quilting. I have a large container of beautiful scraps. I have trouble keeping ahead of this growing pile of fabric pieces. My husband’s solution (typical male!) is to throw them out and start over again. I won’t do it . . . because I know there would be two forgotten scraps I miss and they will multiply overnight and that would scare me! 🙂

Accomplishment of the Week!

P1060196Two people asked for some of my handmade tote bags for various events. It is always a case of when it rains, it pours as all the orders came in the same week. With a push of energy, I got all eleven completed yesterday. I still have two aprons to go but two vs. eleven is doable.

Story Quilt . . .

Story Quilt . . .

Either I finally got the right combination of vitamins or the days have an extra hour or two but I’ve managed to get in a bit of sewing three days in a row. I finished the piecing on said quilt today and am contemplating the borders, applique, and backing now.

I don’t think the photo quite shows the dark and deep colors here which are part of the ‘story’ to my quilt. Most all of my quilts have a story about them or in them although I usually leave that unsaid. Some people have come back and asked and others just enjoyed the combination of colors and patterns. This one definitely IS a story quilt but some of the main components aren’t in place yet so it can’t be ‘read’.

I still have two quilts that need finishing but when this one came to me on Easter, I had to put it together before it fled my feeble mind! When it is done, I’ll post the finished product and you can see if you can figure it out.