Buster Kitten’s Busy Day!

Buster Kitten is a very large, very placid cat who adores people but isn’t interested in being petted and fussed over. He is always around, however, observing. My daughter decided that training Buster on a walking leash and without consulting Buster, purchased a halter jacket and leash. That as about six months ago as she claims she is taking things slowly. Buster doesn’t like the halter jacket and no matter how long she has him wear it, he refuses to get used to it. The one time, she tried taking him outside with said Jacket and leash, the 30 seconds he put with it were not a success.

Once the jacket was removed, Buster Kitten went directly back into placid mode but with a wary eye on anyone coming toward him with anything but a treat. He spent the rest of the day recovering and avoiding my daughter.

Me? You Talking to Me?

The rule in my house is NO cats on the beds. Cats, however, sometimes ‘forget’ this. Marcella has had several run-ins with my husband on this subject but her small kitty brain likes to forget and try, try, try again. When I caught her this time,she seemed to be inquiring, “You didn’t mean THIS bed, right?

Vengeance is Mine . . . Says the Cat!

We have three cats. One of them is the ‘baby’ and weighs in at over 16 pounds. The second one is a mere 12 pounds and very long and thin. The smallest is only six pounds but is the one to watch when she gets angry. She loves to get her back rubbed and her ears scratched . . . until she doesn’t and woe be to the person who isn’t paying attention to the warning signs. Fresh, the tiny terror, came as a stray and only comes in as far as the garage where she rules supreme.

My husband and I were heading out for the afternoon on Sunday and when we drove down past the side of our house, there was Fresh sauntering along smelling the flowers and checking out the neighborhood. When she saw the car, she perked up so we turned around and went back to our driveway to open the garage door for her so she could eat and have a nap in safety while we were gone. She didn’t trust us so waited until we actually pulled in the garage to come in BUT the minute she started eating, we pulled out and hit the remote control and she was safe while we were gone whether she liked it or not.

We came home three hours later and when we opened the garage door, she was sitting in the middle of the floor glaring at us before she slowly walked outside and disappeared for the rest of the afternoon. I mentioned to my husband that this had been too easy and I’m just waiting to run across whatever she might have destroyed while we were gone to exhibit her feline wrath. It didn’t take long to follow the shreds leading to the tortured and destroyed roll of paper towels.

I think we have been forgiven, however, as we found a freshly-killed mouse on our front step this morning. I don’t know how much this was gratitude or an offer of exchanging the mouse for some stinky canned cat food.

The Giant Cat Lives Here!



P1010678Almost a year ago, we found a small kitten just sitting under the neighbor’s car. We remarked about the cute cat and they said it wasn’t their cat but had been sitting there for three days. It was a very chill little cat and very friendly in spite of being very hungry and thirsty. My husband made a tactical error in pointing out the cute kitten next door because next thing we knew, said kitten was in the house and named Buster Kitten! He remains here to this day registered at the vet’s office as belonging to us!

Although the cat is not a big eater, what he does ingest seems to give him great growing power as within four months, he was larger than our four-year old cat. He didn’t stop there. He isn’t fat but a huge bundle of muscle and last time we weighed him, he was 16 pounds 9 ounces. The other cat is tall, thin and weighs in at ‘only’
eleven pounds.

Someone asked me to take a picture of Buster Kitten next to something to show exactly how large he is in comparison. Sad to say, an historic dinosaur bit the dust in order to show this. Hey! You don’t believe we happened to have the last, full-sized dinosaur available for this picture op?

Now, I’m Not Insecure. Why Do You Ask?

Marcella was ganged up on when she was a kitten by her brother and sister. Even with the other two happily placed in loving homes, we still have a neurotic cat. She has a certain time each evening when she verbally and physically lets me know I must stop crocheting or sewing as she has need of my lap until bedtime . . when she will nap some more. The one evening, I stood up to her, no problem! She just grabbed hole of my right arm still preventing me from getting on with my handicraft of the evening.

The Terrible Trio!

We inadvertently ended up with three cats. They are individual with no thought of ever getting along with each other. The semi-outside cat thinks the house cats deserve nothing but a smack on the head in passing. The growing kitten seems to think it is a love pat as he always goes back for more. The neurotic one just sits back and looks worried. Her favorite occupation is gnawing the edges off anything plastic.

Entertaining Cats!

The kitten is too feisty for our older cat and wearing her out and her nerves have given way to  obsessively licking herself much to the dismay of her fur . . . She’s actually worn patches of it away!  Our solution? A ball pit which is actually supposed to be for babies but we have baby-sized cats, right? Marcella (with the purple collar) isn’t sure about it but Buster has claimed it as his own. See the ‘lip’ around the front of the entrance? It is supposed to keep the colorful balls within the confines of the ball put . . . Buster has proven this to not work.


