The Giant Cat Lives Here!



P1010678Almost a year ago, we found a small kitten just sitting under the neighbor’s car. We remarked about the cute cat and they said it wasn’t their cat but had been sitting there for three days. It was a very chill little cat and very friendly in spite of being very hungry and thirsty. My husband made a tactical error in pointing out the cute kitten next door because next thing we knew, said kitten was in the house and named Buster Kitten! He remains here to this day registered at the vet’s office as belonging to us!

Although the cat is not a big eater, what he does ingest seems to give him great growing power as within four months, he was larger than our four-year old cat. He didn’t stop there. He isn’t fat but a huge bundle of muscle and last time we weighed him, he was 16 pounds 9 ounces. The other cat is tall, thin and weighs in at ‘only’
eleven pounds.

Someone asked me to take a picture of Buster Kitten next to something to show exactly how large he is in comparison. Sad to say, an historic dinosaur bit the dust in order to show this. Hey! You don’t believe we happened to have the last, full-sized dinosaur available for this picture op?

2 thoughts on “The Giant Cat Lives Here!

    1. I know! And, he gains a pound in the last couple of months. He isn’t a food hog and only likes his kitty kibble. He has a bit of a tummy but the rest is muscle. Heddy and her daughter were here last week and Charlene was startled when Buster came around the bend exclaiming, “Where did that BIG cat come from!”


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