Gun Control . . . And the Reason?

Lets get something straight on Gun Deaths.
only 1.1 per day:
1. Daily Heart Disease Deaths: 1,773
2. Daily Cancer Deaths: 1,641
3. Daily Medical Malpractice Deaths: 685
4. Daily Accident Deaths: 465
5. Daily Lower Respiratory Disease Deaths: 439
6. Daily Stroke Deaths: 401
7. Daily Alzheimer Deaths: 332
8. Daily Diabetes Deaths: 229
9. Daily Drug Deaths: 192
10. Flu: 152

Your Voting Decision in 2020?

The Americans are a very lucky people. They’re bordered to the north and south by weak neighbors, and to the east and west by fish.

People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.

God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.

Otto von Bismarck

Perfecting Politics and Making Up Agendas . . .

One of the main focal points of the upcoming presidential election from the Democratic side of the aisle is reparations to the blacks for the suffering they have endured because of slavery. Aside from the fact that there haven’t been slave owners or slaves in the life times of anyone alive today, exactly how would this reparation fund be parceled out?

There are a lot of wealthy blacks in show business, the music industry, commerce, finance, politics. Would they be eligible for reparation payments and, if so, why? Seems their ‘suffering’ has been over for quite awhile now.

What about Americans that have naturalized into citizenship to this country in the last, say, fifty years. Since they had no part or history of the plantation slavery in America, shouldn’t they be exempt of deductions from their income for something they were never a part of in this country?

What about the people who are biracial? How would that figure out in parceling out reparation?

If you were a black slave owner (and that did exist!), would you get to be a recipient or have to pay into the reparation pot? Would Congress be able to work with fractions in that event?

Remember, there were two sides to the Civil War which is WHY there was a Civil War. Would everyone have to trace back their ancestry to see if they fought on side of the North (which is the ones that wanted to end slavery) or a relation of the South? Doesn’t seem right that a family that has heroes from the North side in their family tree would be liable for making reparation payments. Personally, I have seven ancestors who died fighting for the North in the Civil War.

Right now, any and most everyone who is in dire straits already gets some kind of federal aide through food stamps or welfare. Seems that those in need have already been helped.

I also foresee a lot of other groups coming forth for repayment for having endured suffering by the mere fact of being an American.

College students who ran up outrageous tuition bills for degrees that didn’t lead to productive jobs in the workplace, should they be compensated for this. I knew someone that majored in medieval history and discovered upon gradation that the need for something with that degree wasn’t out there.

Then there are all the gentle souls that have been triggered by MAGA hats. Should they be compensated or should there be a dress code enforced which would protect their sensitivities?

I imagine that there are plenty of other groups of people who feel they need a form of reparation, too. I also foresee many years of taxpayer-founded, political discernment on how to collect and distribute a possible reparation . . . which makes me wonder about the potentially deserving ones that pass away in the decades of deliberation . . . would their families and their family’s families get to have their check as well as their own once a decision is put into law?

Tolerance and Open Minds?

Tolerance as defined by the Democrats seems to be a one-way street as in ‘their way or no way’ and no holds barred if you disagree.

*Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant. Seems she may be facing
opposition to her freedom of choice at her own home now.

*Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed in her own home.

*Homeland Security staffers have been warned of “increased threats” from the open borders mob.

*Democrat Maxine Waters is calling for MORE HARASSMENT of the Silent Majority.

*Just Google ‘threats on Trump and Family’ and be amazed at all the horrible plots put out there by famous people and I have yet to hear about them being arrested.

Seemingly, the liberal left thinks that if you don’t agree with everything they say, you bring about harassment and hurt upon yourself and it is YOUR fault if you suffer.

During the 2016 election, it was condoned for Democrats or Bernie supporters to do their best to ruin any Republican event. Known conservators were attacked verbally and, sometimes, physically. The election didn’t end this as Maxine Waters immediately went on the impeachment train even before Trump moved into the White House. Now, she has incited her following to further discord and attacks on anyone that agrees with Trump. Now, the democrats are always quick to defend most anything or anyone in the voice of ‘freedom’ . . . unless YOUR freedom doesn’t come in line with their view of freedom. I once knew someone that warned me with, “You make me angry, you take your chances!” Seems to be the mantra of the liberals, too.

Representing ALL American Citizens

These days, politicians always have their eye on the prize even if it means putting their needs/wants ahead of the people who voted them into office. Shamefully, even with scientific proof staring them in the face, many politicians refuse to consider all their citizens in their decisions. What is even sadder are the female politicians seemingly have no feelings for the unborn at any stage. I suppose the reason for ignoring the humanity of the unborn baby could cause them to lose future elections and figure the loss of their soul is a reasonable trade off.

I pray that the bishops of those dioceses remind the pastors that since these politicians have made their support for abortion a public declaration, they should not be allowed the sacraments.

The US State of the Union Today

The talk all week is preventing a government shutdown due to budget disagreements between the Democrats and the Republicans. Generally, the Republicans tend to cave in order to prevent this and the Democrats get their monetary wants granted. That’s not happening this time around as the Republicans seem to have found their backbone and wouldn’t grant the Democrats all they want just to appease them to the neglect of the real needs facing the country.

The major argument was amnesty to over 800,000 dreamers although some news show it being many more than that. I’m not against allowing people a course of study towards citizenship but why should they go ahead of the line or get a free pass when other immigrants are doing it the legal way, studying their material for immigration, and waiting their turn in line? However, rather than try and find a middle ground the Democrats decide to flash their dominance to the world by going with a government shutdown.  Interesting to note that  the Democrats didn’t seem worried about the fact that it would impact the pay for our already underpaid military. I can’t imagine the stress of not knowing when the paychecks would come again for the wives at home caring for children and trying to make ends meet. Then there are the men overseas living in rough conditions worrying about their families. It certainly points out rather clearly that when it comes to a choice of helping over 800,000 undocumented people get a free ride into citizenship or the families and people who insure we have the safety to live here as citizens, the Democrats have their priorities skewed.

I hope Americans begin to realize that these politicians that are currently seeing to the deprivation of the military’s hard earned income, realize they might have voted for said politicians based on the erroneous assumption that they would represent their constituents.