Entitled Woman Shows Her True Colors!


How sad that a grown (NOT mature!) woman would stoop to stealing a moment from a little girl. And, the fact that no one who witnessed this stood up for what was right. In fact, her friends congratulated her on something she hadn’t accomplished.

What Makes California Happy?

Chaffey College's photo.All too true! The interesting part is that most California drivers don’t know how to drive in the rain which accounts for an increase in mishaps. The news people go crazy on having some actual weather to report other than heat and sunshine.
My dogs are curled up in their doghouses. They like the cooler weather but the ‘wet stuff’ you can keep. The inside cat like to view the weather from a warm spot. The semi-feral, outside cat waits for us to come back from an errand so she has a warm place to sleep on the hood of the car.P1000800Can you believe she's even pass on those jokes?


Easy Chicken Wraps

When the weather is warm, you don’t want to add more warmth to the kitchen when it is time to prepare a meal. I try to think ahead so when I boil a chicken for soup or another dish, I put in two chickens and save the second one for making either chicken salad sandwiches or, even easier, Chicken Wraps. I think that the rise in popularity in the various flour tortillas on the market has been a lifesaver to harried mothers trying to find a last-minute lunch or dinner for their family. And, if you remember to bone that second chicken you had the foresight to cook, you should have several bags of shredded chicken in the freezer ready for your inspiration.

Easy Chicken Wraps

2-3 cups of cooked, shredded chicken (add more or less depending on how many servings.
1/4 cup Hoisin Sauce (Easily found in the Asian section of the grocery store)
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon white or black pepper
Chopped green onions to taste
Shredded cabbage, lettuce or spinach

Place the chicken, Hoisin Sauce, Soy sauce and seasonings in a bowl and toss to mix. Microwave for about a minute and  a half just to heat through.

Place a spoonful of the chicken mixture on your flour tortilla of choice, keeping it just off center from the middle. Add the shredded vegetable of choice or have all three available. Sprinkle with the chopped green onions, roll up the tortilla to enclose the filling, and serve.
