Saving Our Future . . .

Self-Worth: Dear Jesus, help our kids know that we are all born as sinners and separated from God because of our wicked hearts. However, at an early age, help our children grasp the life-transforming concept that they don’t have to live as a sinner under that condemnation.

Body Image: Lord we ask that you’d protect our kids from the idea that they must do anything and everything (including abusing their bodies through eating disorders, drug abuse, or other harmful behaviors) in order to attaining a “preferred” shape or figure. We pray you’d protect our kids from that kind of destructive thinking, and that if they’re tempted to take these kind of drastic measures, that you’d send someone in their lives to stop them. Help them to remember over and over that their identity is not in how they look on the outside but what you see as their potential and worth on the inside.

Influences: We pray that you would surround our children with friendships and mentor-type relationships that portray what it means to have an authentic relationship with Christ. In turn, we pray that you would raise our kids up to be the influencers of the next generation. We pray that you would allow godliness and righteousness to dwell in their hearts so richly that these evidences of your truth spill out of them and to every person they encounter.

Passions: God, help us to know how to guide our kids in their passions by blessing us with the divine wisdom to know when to joyfully open up the gates toward new freedoms and desires, and when to curtail our children’s passions because they’re not able to accept the responsibilities yet in full. Help us model to our kids what it means to live passionately for You by boldly following the dreams you’ve placed in our heart, never settling for complacency.

Money, Possessions and Work: We pray that our kids would persevere in whatever vocation you give them and that they would work with cheerful hearts as if they were serving you directly. We pray that our kids would see at an early age that money and possessions are a gift from You and thus must be always held with an open hand so that You can use those gifts to bless others

Content taken from “5 Areas of Your Child’s Life to Pray against Satanic Attack” by Alicia Michelle. 

No Changes If The State Disapproves?

I came across this information this morning and cannot believe that a person’s freedom of choice can be against the law if the choice doesn’t come under what the State wants rather than the individual.

People should have choices and even if one doesn’t always approve of another person’s choices, it should be their choice, right? Not according to a new bill being considered seriously in the State of California. The bill will make it unlawful for a person who is gay to decide to seek counseling because they might want to change their sexual identity. The law would also take away the right to separation of church and state as even a priest, rabbi, or minister would not be allowed to do counseling to that effect.

I’ve been coming across this information for the last week or so and am wondering if NOW, our priests and bishops will stand up and speak against this bill as it does affect the way they can deal with parishioners in conflict legally.

In California, we tend to avoid musing over ‘what next’ as the future ‘what next’ is always worse than the last one. Don’t we have enough serious problems in California to keep our government busy that they seem to feel they have to meddle in everyone’s personal life? It’s truly not constitutional but that hasn’t really stopped many politicians up to now.

And the rest of the country shouldn’t get too complacent because the liberal factions are constantly trying to make the changes they want not the the changes that truly benefit the citizens.