Destroying Our World . . .

In case anyone was under the illusion that abortion is an easy and painless way to get rid of a ‘problem’ . . . What kind of person would wait until a baby is totally viable and then decide she wasn’t going to allow this baby to experience a mother’s love? Who would encourage women to declare that they had an abortion and were proud of it? What kind of doctor would have no problem in killing a near-term infant that initially survived the onslaught of abortion. And, who would these  children have grown up to be in our future? How many women might go into their later years in life and be alone given the fact they trashed the people God wanted to bring into their lives?

Midterm Voting . . . It’s Important!

The midterms are upon us and, traditionally, a big presidential win by either party, usually results in a low turn-out for the party currently in power and gives the other party a possible head’s up in turning the tide in anticipation for the 2020 presidential election.

While we had a good turn out for the presidential election, many people may not feel the need to defend their turf come November. Knowing this, the Democrats are out to take over the House and, if successful, make the rest of President Trump’s term miserable for him. Uh, as if that hasn’t been their ongoing goal since November 2016.

Over the years, I have heard so many people tell me why they couldn’t vote:

1. I forgot to re-register to vote after I missed voting in the last election.
2. It was raining that day and I didn’t want to wait in line. (Voting is indoors!)
3. With my children in school, I need to be home in case there is an emergency. (Cell phone?)
4. I home school and don’t want to disrupt the day. (A living lesson in our country and how it works?)
5. If I register to vote, I will get called for Jury Duty. (They don’t go by the voting lists.)
6. I really didn’t know who to vote for or even who was running and for what? (You take pride in this?
7. I had a headache, fever, stomach . . . (fill in the blanks!)
8. Oh, was yesterday voting day?

After over two years of fake media reporting, trying to thwart the president’s job, initiating various uprisings about whatever faction feels slighted that day, are we really going to give the opposition a chance to undo the good work and changes to date? And, if you feel there has not been anything of value done since November 2016, you haven’t been reading all the news. Just the fact that unemployment is down, jobs are more plentiful, and taxes were cut and reflected in your take home pay should be enough to get one to the polling place. We could go into more details about President Trump’s handling of some dictators, allies, negotiating better trade values but if you didn’t care enough to listen when it happened, you probably won’t believe it now.

So, just a thought-provoking reminder that voting is coming up soon. Voting is important. And leaving it up to a few to keep our politicians in office, might not be enough. Just think! One of the first things on the Democrat agenda is to rescind the tax cuts, impeach the president, and reinstate as much of the previous eight years as possible.

Still not convinced? It seems to me that every vote a person doesn’t bother to use, means a vote for the other side. As Christians/Catholics, the only chance for pro-life standards comes from the current administration. In essence, the vote you don’t use will be a vote to a party who has a firm platform in place for abortion in place. You might not consider yourself in favor of abortion but your absence at the polling place will signal strongly that you didn’t care enough to keep an adamantly pro-abortion political party out of office in hopes of saving more unborn.

Abortion Confusion?

The liberals seem to have an interesting take on which children should live and which should die. There is ongoing protests about the children at the border. The United States didn’t bring those children over the border and, seemingly, are doing a good job of protecting them. The left seems to forget that the parents broke the law coming over and have to provide some kind of identification that they should be allowed in the country. Already, the border patrol has found MS-13 trying to get in with children that are not theirs. People with multiple deportations for crimes committed are discovered and children showing up at very young ages have to be protected.

The battle cry from the left is that all children need to be protected and cared for and we shouldn’t send anyone back because, as they like to repeat and repeat, “That’s not who we are . . .”

Yet, while they care so much about children sent here alone by their parents, entrusted to coyotes for the trip, and being used by other people, not many of them have a single concern about American unborn babies that die by the thousands a week. For me, you can’t have it both ways. ALL children should be safe. I guess you could say, “That’s not who we should be . . .”

President Trump and the Sanctity of Life

Somewhat like the Civil War, the results of the Presidential election brought about a lot of arguing among friends, families, and religions. To this day, I keep a low profile when I go to Mass because there are still people who resent the fact that a pro-abort, planned parenthood supporter with a rather bad record of lies and deceptions didn’t win the presidency. Instead of a wait and see attitude of thoughtful people, they continue to bemoan the fact and ignore the facts . . . such as the list of accomplishments by President Trump among which there are ones many of us have been praying to happen for years.

*Reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy to prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding abortion clinics oversea

*overturning the rule that forced states to fund abortion providers with taxpayer dollars

*appointing pro-life Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

*prohibiting the use of Title X funding any clinic that provides abortions

*defunding the United Nations Fund for Population and Development

*his pledge to fight for and sign a 20-week abortion ban bill.

Alfie Evans – Rest in Peace

When we read the news, today, almost all the headlines read: “Alfie Evans dies at Alder Hey hospital after life support withdrawn . . .

It brings to a end the stalwart fight by Alfie’s family to give him a chance at life. Instead of releasing the child to his parents in order to get a second opinion, they were in court many times trying to win the right to be parents and do what they felt was right for their son. The world stood with them but the UK system gave them police guards which were not to protect the baby but to insure he was not taken to another hospital for reevaluation. Money was not an object as Italy, Poland, Germany, and China made offers. Italy made Alfie an Italian citizen in order to get him to Rome, with the Pope’s blessing, to seek treatment. On all counts, Alfie was refused a chance.

In spite of being basically declared a ‘vegetable’, Alfie breathed on his own. He responded to his parents’ voices. He stretched and even had smiles. This did not move the doctors who still refused him life. His parents wanted to take him home to have him to themselves and their family for however long he would be with them. The doctors refused.

Well, today the Alder Hey doctors got their wish and Alfie went home to heaven. It seems that the UK is getting good at preventing second opinions or allowing families to seek the best options for their babies. In a country supposedly as civilized as the UK, why were these tactics necessary? Why did they fight so hard to insure the death of a child?

So, when we read the news, today, understand the headlines do not say that little Alfie passed quietly from this life so much as Alder Hey hospital removed his life support. Naturally, the hospital sent their condolences but it is easy to be kind once you’ve gotten what you want.

The world should never forget the three, little boys who had their lives taken away from them in the UK medical system: Charlie, Isaiah, and Alfie – mandated by the hospital with the blessing of the courts to die. Prayers should continue for these three families as they probably relive their own agony as the next child gets sentenced to death.

Saving Our Babies . . .

It is becoming a ‘normal’ thing in the UK, this allowing babies to die by removing them from life support. The parents of these children find countries and hospitals that will take their babies and give them a chance yet the UK courts and doctors won’t let this happen. They are treating their populations like subjects rather than citizens.

It is hard to understand the continuing mind set. Why would the UK doctors and courts take away the parental rights? It isn’t cost because good people have provided money for the court case and helping them transport the child to a another country and welcoming hospital. Could it be the UK doctors are afraid another medical facility might find a cause that they have failed to diagnosed? Last I read, Alfie Evans doesn’t even have a solid diagnosis yet after all that time on life support.

Now, another, Baby Isaiah, has been removed from life support and three hours later (at this writing) is still breathing on his own. Wouldn’t that be a indication he might need more aggressive care than let a distraught family sit by his bed to see how long he lives before he leaves their arms here on earth?

And, let’s not forget little Charlie Gard who initially brought this all to public attention. When it looked like another diagnosis might have helped him, his case was kept in court until his health seemingly granted the doctors’ decision that he die.

This should be a wake up call to people in the United States and Canada that this sort of thing could easily become a norm here, too. Remember 15-year old Justina Pelletier who was held against her and her families wishes at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Meanwhile, we have to remember all the children who are sick and need medical care and that the doctors in charge of the cases have compassion and respect the choices made by the families.