Abortion Confusion?

The liberals seem to have an interesting take on which children should live and which should die. There is ongoing protests about the children at the border. The United States didn’t bring those children over the border and, seemingly, are doing a good job of protecting them. The left seems to forget that the parents broke the law coming over and have to provide some kind of identification that they should be allowed in the country. Already, the border patrol has found MS-13 trying to get in with children that are not theirs. People with multiple deportations for crimes committed are discovered and children showing up at very young ages have to be protected.

The battle cry from the left is that all children need to be protected and cared for and we shouldn’t send anyone back because, as they like to repeat and repeat, “That’s not who we are . . .”

Yet, while they care so much about children sent here alone by their parents, entrusted to coyotes for the trip, and being used by other people, not many of them have a single concern about American unborn babies that die by the thousands a week. For me, you can’t have it both ways. ALL children should be safe. I guess you could say, “That’s not who we should be . . .”

One thought on “Abortion Confusion?

  1. Amen to that! …But try convincing a dyed-in-the-wool feminist or leftist or democrat liberal – after all, THE SUPREME COURT ruled unborn tissue has no rights because of “viability” – and that’s good enough! Yes – the same court that said negroes were 3/5 human and “separate but equal” was a good way to go…


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