California Regulations Pending on How We Use Our Cars

It is getting rather scary how State politicians in California want to turn us basically into a big brother state when it comes to our cars. Transportation in CA is difficult to regulate fairly as due to employment issues, many have to travel a lot further than others to maintain an income that provides for their families. If the state starts taxing us by the mile, it eats away at necessary income and gives the state control over every mile we drive and where those miles take us. And, besides just the basic taxation on our drives to work, what about driving vacations up the coast, to Disneyland, etc. Seems such a law could impact all people and all businesses to an extend. Will the politicians get a ‘free ride’ because they use their cars for business while we are merely being extravagant in coping with our day-to-day life?

California Gas Restriction Act of 2015 – The End of Privacy for California Drivers

The California Gas Restriction Act of 2015, Senate Bill 350, not only is a reckless political agenda but one that will raise costs drastically in California, burden the State with yet more regulations, and eliminate citizens’ privacy. Regulators now have a plan to monitor personal driving data that can be used to enforce gas restrictions. This will enable State regulators to penalize and fine motorists who, according to the state government’s viewpoint, use too much gas or drive too often.

SB350 Takes our gas and takes our privacy. To tell your legislator to vote NO on SB350, go to Let the  legislative body know that we do not want California to slip into a police state mentality and invade our lives.

State-mandated on-board data systems will enable regulators to collect and monitor our cars and trucks. Yes, that means we will all be driving with a Big Brother system invading the privacy of our lives and judge and fine up on our commutes. Exactly what will these data systems be monitoring:

  1. How fast you drive. (perhaps this is a way to give out more traffic tickets, too, based on what the system perceives rather than a policeman on site view of the situation.
  2. How much gas you purchase and how much gas your car uses.
  3. How well you respond to your dashboard signals.
  4. How many trips you make and the distances you drive.
  5. How long and how often you allow your car to idle. I’m thinking of the times my children are late getting out of school on a hot day. So, in order to be in whatever compliance some unseen being in the government determines for me and my car, I can risk heat stroke in the height of the summer months?
  6. How often and how hard you use your breaks. Again, being judged without anyone in evidence to actually see the reason but, nevertheless judging the situation..