Not a Science Experiment!

Even before the various tainted greens reports, not even bagged lettuce or cabbage ever came to the table without a thorough bathing! First, I cut or shred the greens to the size I want for my soup or salad. Then, I put them into a large bowl with half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and fill the bowl to the brim with water. And there it will rest for 30 minutes while I go about my other kitchen chores. Then I pull out the greens with tongs and place in the colander. No sense in pouring the soaking water over the lettuce again. Just look at what it left behind after the soaking! When you pick up a head of lettuce,red-leaf lettuce, or kale at the market, they are always so damp and crisp feeling giving you a false sense of security about the food you want to put on your table. However, when you think about it, how many people have touched your salad greens before they end up in your serving bowl for dinner?

Thought I’d share my method with you. After I rinse the formerly peroxide-soaked greens, I given it a good, long clean water rinse and have been known to even add some vinegar to the rinse. Then, the greens are laid out on a length of triple-layered paper towel, rolled up and then rolled into a clean, cotton dish towel and stored in the refrigerator until needed.

Going Out For Sunday Brunch . . .?

We have all been aware of the problems in the food industry over the last year or so with the everlasting food trauma with Chipotle and now MacDonald’s. Seems that their problems are not isolated cases and too many restaurants and other places providing prepared food to the public are, themselves, potential distributors of any number of food borne illnesses.

I’ve had three cases of food poisoning in my life and from three well-known restaurants. In one case, I actually called the place and they said they were sorry and would like to give me and the family a free dinner there. Uh, no thank you! When my stomach stops churning along with the rest of the problems, I may probably take a longer route when shopping to avoid even seeing that particular restaurant. A friend was deathly sick in the hospital for a month after having a sandwich at a restaurant that I bet most everyone reading this post has been to at one time or another. The shiny tables out front don’t always reflect the truth of what is going on behind the scenes.

Restaurant food safety is an oxymoron