Return of the Worst of Olden Days . . .

For more than a few months, there has been talk of a return of the Bubonic Plague. The mere word would send citizens of the olden days in Europe into a panic as there wasn’t a cure and it was almost always deadly. Given the symptoms and onset ailments of the disease, anyone that did survive, probably had health concerns for the rest of their lives.

Here, today, we live in modern times with all the perks of running water, air control in our homes, food choices, and relative peace and quiet between uproars with the more rabid of the squabbling politicians and the shouts of misinformation from the news. However, the fact that Dr. Drew ( has been talking about the possibility of an outbreak of the plague beginning in Los Angeles SOON doesn’t seem to bother elected officials in the California government from the Governor on down to the least of the small city councils. I have to wonder about their priorities. Did they hear the words ‘deadly plague’ clearly and understand that people WILL die and it will SPREAD and we are not, to my knowledge prepared for this?

It seems the democrats in power in California have other more important priorities like thwarting any and every move President Trump tries to make, taking citizen medical insurance money to help cover anyone that comes into the state, and protecting the sanctuary cities that have seen an upturn in crime even as they are supposedly protecting the criminals from ICE efforts.

We were just in the very beginning of the City of Los Angeles several months ago and were shocked at the tents, clutter, and people along side the offramps. They are living, eating, relieving themselves all in the same small space often. The rats like it and as the rats make their rounds, they are now also sharing their fleas and, subsequently, the plague. The people who will probably be adversely affected, first, will be the very people that live where the rats/fleas flourish – the tent cities and homing places lining the streets of Los Angeles right now.

Instead of using taxpayer money to fund people who continue to arrive at our borders without planning to even naturalize but to get what is being given out, perhaps the government should work on clearing up the tent cities along the sidewalks and byways, finally fumigate the rats that have been infesting the police station for awhile now, and work out productive ways to put the homeless back on their feet before we take on thousands of noncitizens who may soon find out that staying home where the came from might have been better than coming down with a deadly disease.

One thing I’ve noticed over the years about many politicians is the word ‘priorities’ in extremely necessary situations isn’t always a word in their vocabulary.

Scare Tactics and Closing Down the Government . . .

What happens in a government shutdown? Not a whole lot but it makes a great scare tactic and ploy to make the Republicans look bad.

In a government shutdown, around 40% of government workers are off work BUT once the situation is resolved, back pay is normally issued. Think about it. That 40% doesn’t have to work for the duration of the shutdown but will get paid for the time they didn’t work. And, in spite of worse-case scenarios proclaimed by the media, government assistance, welfare, social security, and the post office will proceed as normal. Zoos and national parks would be closed but that could hardly be called a life-altering situation.

Interesting expenditure comparison: According to recent numbers, building the proposed wall to safeguard our country would be around $25 billion dollars while the cost of non-citizens who are in our country for free just about anything, runs into our tax dollars in the neighborhood of $130 billion dollars a year. Should really emphasize the tragedy of our veterans, some of which live on the streets after having served our country for a lot less. We have homeless and hungry children who are citizens and possibly living on a lot less.

An interesting fact: Israel puts a lie to the Democratic proclamation that walls don’t work . . . The border wall in Israel has cut their illegal immigration by 99%.

Want more information: #BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall #BorderSecurity #ActivistMommy

Reviewing Renewals and What They Represent

It seems always every week there is something in our lives giving notice that a renewal is due from the entertainment factors to insurance. I just got a renewal notice from AMAC. What is AMAC? Association of Mature American Citizens which is a match in benefits and information with AARP – American Association of Retired Citizens. Both claim to be nonpartisan but AARP supports a lot of things of which we might not like to be a part of by way of our renewal payments.

Dark secrets of AARP finally exposed to light

We joined AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens five years ago and enjoy their magazine and their outlook on the world and politics. Of course, there are the people who stand by whatever AARP represents but since AARP doesn’t take everyone’s view into consideration, you might check out AMAC. The membership fees are very reasonable and they offer scores of discounts and other insurance possibilities. AND, your membership fees will never be put towards political or moral standards that are not in line with your own.

The US State of the Union Today

The talk all week is preventing a government shutdown due to budget disagreements between the Democrats and the Republicans. Generally, the Republicans tend to cave in order to prevent this and the Democrats get their monetary wants granted. That’s not happening this time around as the Republicans seem to have found their backbone and wouldn’t grant the Democrats all they want just to appease them to the neglect of the real needs facing the country.

The major argument was amnesty to over 800,000 dreamers although some news show it being many more than that. I’m not against allowing people a course of study towards citizenship but why should they go ahead of the line or get a free pass when other immigrants are doing it the legal way, studying their material for immigration, and waiting their turn in line? However, rather than try and find a middle ground the Democrats decide to flash their dominance to the world by going with a government shutdown.  Interesting to note that  the Democrats didn’t seem worried about the fact that it would impact the pay for our already underpaid military. I can’t imagine the stress of not knowing when the paychecks would come again for the wives at home caring for children and trying to make ends meet. Then there are the men overseas living in rough conditions worrying about their families. It certainly points out rather clearly that when it comes to a choice of helping over 800,000 undocumented people get a free ride into citizenship or the families and people who insure we have the safety to live here as citizens, the Democrats have their priorities skewed.

I hope Americans begin to realize that these politicians that are currently seeing to the deprivation of the military’s hard earned income, realize they might have voted for said politicians based on the erroneous assumption that they would represent their constituents.

The Untimely Death of Charlie Gard

A baby died in England this week. This baby’s death shouldn’t go unsung because a tiny infant showed the world what becomes of the humans of the world when the ways of the world have come to a pass that full-term, living babies can be deprived of necessary treatment and not allowed a chance at life.

Although little Charlie Gard seemed in perfect health his first couple of months of life, he suddenly started failing and ended up in a hospital with a diagnosis that could be considered a definite death sentence if left untreated. Although it was a chance, at best, Charlie’s parents researched options, begged for financial help, and got in touch with an American doctor who said he would examine the baby. Seems like a ray of home in what was being touted as a no-win situation.

Even with money in hand and a place to take their baby, the United Kingdom’s courts and doctors refused to allow the parents this option. There would have not been a single charge to the hospital for taking the baby to that one chance of help but the doctors said an adamant, unexplained ‘NO!’ and the courts backed them up on their say so. The time line for saving Charlie began in January when first diagnosed. At that point in time, the treatment just might have been beneficial giving the parents a feeling of hope in doing all they could for their first child. The doctors dragged on the process and the court trials didn’t get the immediate hearings you would think the situation merited so we end up seven months later with a baby slowly deteriorating in health.

Even in the condition he was in this month, the American doctor made the trip over to examine the baby and met with the UK doctors. A doctor in Rome offered his help on this as the Pope was also anxiously watching this turn of events. Everything was rejected and the courts sided with the doctors.

It got worse even after the parents realized that time had run out on treating their baby due to the doctors’ lack of action. They allowed that their son’s little life was fast running it’s course and only asked that they could take him home to die. This was refused. From what I read, they took the baby to an undisclosed place where the doctors removed him from his life support and Charlie died.

I only wonder how much celebration was enjoyed by those grown men who fought so hard for the death of this baby. I wonder if the judges breathed a sign of relief to have this pesky situation finally put to rest being glad little Charlie was finally being put to rest.

To basically recap: The parents of a sick baby had the wherewithal to transport him to the United States for experimental treatment. There would be no further cost to the UK hospital. The doctors refused to give the baby this once chance and regulated the time the parents could spend with the baby. When the parents persisted, the courts stepped in and took away their parental rights to do the best they could for their son.

You have to ponder what was going through these people’s minds to constantly refuse to move an inch on possibly saving this innocent child. Do these doctors have children? Would they appreciate a stranger telling them they couldn’t decide what was good for their own children? Yet, the doctors involved and the courts thought nothing of depriving this little family of their God-given free will and rather than have their word contradicted and take an ego bruising, felt it was better to get rid of the evidence . . . little Charlie Gard.

I’m thinking there are a great many people in the world today shedding tears for this family and not thinking well of how the helpless are treated under the medical guidelines of the medical health care system of the United Kingdom. A doctor vows to do no harm. I didn’t see any evidence of compassion in the events of the last few months.

Over the years, so many atrocities have been committed under the guise of medical treatment, especially in what unborn get to live and who are thrown away. It seems to follow, in a way, that if you get used to dumping aborted babies into the trash that helping a live baby to their demise would just be another day’s work. AND, if you have the backing of the court, it looks like one takes a huge chance in trusting their health and eventual outcome to the powers that be who want to run our lives.

Unfortunately, this is not isolated to the UK. People might remember Terri Schiavo who was deliberately starved to death because that was her husband’s wish with the backing of doctors in spite of her having a family who wanted to save her. Another case was the teenager, Justina Pelletier, who held by the Boston Children’s Hospital based on a doctor’s view that she wasn’t being properly treated medically. She went in a healthy young lady and finally left in need of much health care and rehabilitation from her time in that hospital.

Many prayers needed, today, for Charlie Gard’s family as well as other people/children who might be in similar situations and not allowed their freedom of choice.