The Fall of the Berlin Wall . . .

Thirty years ago, this month, the people spoke and the Berlin Wall came down. Not many people even remember what the Berlin Wall was all about and more don’t care at this stage of the game. Real history is not a topic taught in our school systems these days.

I remember that day particularly well. My mother was actually in Germany at the time although she wasn’t in the vicinity of the historiic day. And when I heard the news, I was happy for many relatives who had spent the last thirty years behind the wall but sad for my mother as her mother lived in East Germany and died there behind the wall.

There were a lot of relatives from my grandfather’s side of the family residing in communism. When the allies divided up Germany, no one realized that Russia would take this step. Only one of family of my German relatives got out before they closed down all traffic in and out. The father of the family was a clever and hardworking man who knew Russia would never be satisifed watching people go in and out of ‘Russian’ terrority for long. At the early stages, Germans could get a pass to spend the day in the West visting relatives. My cousins did so taking with them their baby girl. At the checkpoint, initially, the Russian guards tried to take the baby for collateral to make sure the couple did return at the end of the day but, somehow, the couple assured them they would be back and walked through that checkpoint taking with them only their child, the baby carriage, and the clothing they were wearing and never looked back.

A young priest, who befriended my grandmother, was from West Germany and was in the newly-occupied Russian Zone on assignment. The wall went up and he woke up to being a ‘citizen’ and, basically a prisoner in a new situation.

My mother was there when the Americans pulled out of East Germany and watched the Russians come in. Being fluent in English, she had been called upon a lot by the American Army to help with translations and dealings with the Germans during their time there. When word came down that it was official that the Russians were coming in, my mother took to running down to the main square every morning to see what flag was flying. Her stomach dropped the morning she arrived to see the Americans taking down their flag and the Russian flag being hoisted up the flag pole. She walked slowly home.

However, several of the American soldiers she had been helping, contacted her and quietly said to pack a small bag and stand in the crowds watching the American troops pulling out at the train station. Her mother packed the bag and they stood side by side in the noisy crowds but had been warned to not do any goodbyes, just stand there. Minutes before the train pulled out, several American soldiers came up behind my mother and grandmother, circled my mother blocking her from view and the group marched into the train successfully hiding my mother.

Naturally, the American MP’s were carefully searching the train for people trying to leave on the troop trains. My mother’s soldier friends, put her into an oversized uniform, hat down over her face, and told her to be quiet. Sure enough, the MPs checked out the car and when they pointed to where my mother was shaking in her boots, the other soldiers indicated they needed to be quiet as the ‘soldier’ had done too much celebrating the night before and shouldn’t be bothered. My mother successfully made it to Bavaria and her uncle’s home but not without a lot more adventures.

Even though she wasn’t home in the States when the wall went down, I imagined that she was reliving what I just related and thanking God for the chances He gave her in life.

There is a difference between the Berlin Wall and the walls on our borders. The Berlin Wall was in place to prevent people from leaving. Our border walls are there for our protection yet we can cross back and forth without worry of being locked in against our will.

History Lesson For Today . . .



In 732 A.D., the Muslim Army, which was moving on Paris, was Defeated and turned back at Tours, France, by Charles Martell.

In 1571 A.D., the Muslim Army/Navy was defeated by the Italians and Austrians as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to Attack Southern Europe in the Battle of Le Panto.

In 1683 A.D., the Turkish Muslim Army, attacking Eastern Europe, was finally Defeated in the Battle of Vienna by German and Polish Christian Armies.

This Nonsense has been going on for 1,400 years!

The SAD thing is that more than half of all Politicians do not even know any of this. If these Battles had not been Won, we would most likely be speaking Arabic. And Christianity could be Non-existent. Judaism certainly would NOT exist!

Reality check:

A lot of Americans have become so Insulated from reality that they Imagine America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to themselves.


The following events are true historical facts. It has been many years since 1968, but History keeps repeating itself.

1.) In 1968, Robert Kennedy was Shot and Killed by a Muslim Male.

2.) In 1972, at the Munich Olympics, Israeli Athletes were Kidnapped and Massacred by Muslim Males.

3.) In 1972, a Pan Am 747 was Hijacked and eventually Diverted to Cairo where a Fuse was lit on Final Approach. Shortly after Landing, it was Blown up by Muslim Males.

4.) In 1973, a Pan Am 707 was Destroyed in Rome With 33 People Killed, when it was Attacked with Grenades by Muslim Males.

5.) In 1979, the United States Embassy in Iran was taken over by Muslim Males.

6.) During the 1980s, a number of Americans were Kidnapped in Lebanon by Muslim Males.

7.) In 1983, the United States Marine Barracks in Beirut was Blown up by Muslim Males.

8.) In 1985, the Cruise Ship Achilles-Lauro was Hijacked, and a 70-year-old American Passenger was Murdered and thrown Overboard in his Wheelchair by Muslim Males.

9.) In 1985, TWA Flight 847 was Hijacked at Athens, and a United States Navy Diver, who was trying to Rescue Passengers – was murdered by Muslim Males.

10.) In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by Muslim Males.

11.) In 1993, the World Trade Center was Bombed for the First Time by Muslim Males.

12.) In 1998, the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were Bombed by Muslim Males.

13.) On 09/11/01, FOUR Airliners were Hijacked. Two of the Planes were used as Missiles to take down the World Trade Centers. One Plane Crashed into the United States Pentagon, and the other Plane was Diverted and Crashed by the Passengers. Thousands of People were Killed by Muslim Males.

14.) In 2002, the United States fought a War in Afghanistan against Muslim Males.

15.) In 2002, reporter Daniel Pearl was Kidnaped and Beheaded by you guessed it – a Muslim Male. (Plus two other American Journalists who had just recently been Beheaded.)

16.) In 2013, the Boston Marathon Bombing resulted in Four Innocent People, including a Child, being Killed and 264 other People injured by Muslim Males.

17.) In 2008 USA voted in as President a Muslim Male that we still really have no idea of who, how, or where he came from. . . All records sealed or refused to be allowed to search out. What did he do to this great country?

No, I really do not see a pattern here to Justify Profiling. Do You?

So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone – particularly Fanatics intent on Killing US – Airport Security Screeners will No longer be allowed to Profile certain People.

So, ask yourself: “Just how Stupid are we?!”

Have Americans completely lost their Minds or just their “Power of Reason?”

As the writer of the Award Winning story “Forrest Gump” so aptly put it, “Stupid is as Stupid does.”

As Barack Obama said in his book: “Nothing sounds as Beautiful as the Muslim Evening Prayers from the Tower.”

Now just think about the number of Muslims that are in political positions all across the U.S. They are infiltrating from within, just as they said they would do.

#wakeupamerica #islamistheproblem
Follow True American Patriot

When You Vote . . .

Midterms are coming up and a faction of our country would like to see the President go down in flames. No, they have no other reason than they didn’t get their way at the 2016 election and when crying and lying didn’t change the story have spent the last couple of years planning his ruin based on lies and misreported information.

The scary part of all this as that many people think our Democratic system of government is not a workable way to life. They want government control which means for many, a nanny state where the ones that actually have a work ethic end up paying for a slackers needs by way of taxes. Not all being of the inquisitive mind set, they call it government support not realizing the more they depend on the government, the less people working, and the less people working, the less for everyone.

The college graduates of today have come forth from the ‘institutions of learning’ without much actual, practical learning in mind. Just the other day, there was an article about college students who couldn’t send out their mail-in ballots because they didn’t know where to get stamps. And these are the people who will fly our planes, teach future children, and rule the country? They are being groomed for Socialism and even some of the brightest (comparatively speaking) find this form of government appealing. Everything will be free and everyone will be happy. History, however, doesn’t reflect that happy bucket of rainbows. The few that would be in charge will not care about the masses that want to depend on them.

Communist Body Count

Such governments take away identity, freedom of choice, free enterprise, and lives. If we don’t get a ‘red tsunami’ in November 2018, we will be drowned by a ‘blue wave’.

AB 2943 bans books, conferences, counseling advocating Muslim, Jewish, and Christian views on gender and sexual orientation!

‘Communist’ California never stops and it is always a shock but never quite unexpected when the Democrats and like-minded liberals have another brain storm that votes to impinge upon our First Amendment Rights and cross the separation of church and state to the point that it actually crosses out any faith’s right to speak on the particular subject chosen by the California government. It is quite unsettling to find that the government wants to take total control of every person’s choice and prevent any kind of counseling, even if wanted, by anyone looking for insight and a change that goes against the government’s high-handed grab of individual rights and choices.

The California Assembly approved a bill (50-18) which forbids churches, faith groups, and counselors offering or helping those who seek their assistance in sexual orientation change counseling. This disastrous bill would make it totally illegal under the State of California’s consumer fraud law. EVEN, if a grown person, of their own volition went to his or her pastor, minister, counselor, etc., wanting to discuss or seek help for feelings in their sexuality that they aren’t comfortable with, it’s against the law for them to find help. However, if they went to get hormone treatment, advice, surgery, no problem and don’t worry about anyone doing any psychiatric analysis to see if this is a well-thought out feeling or the result of some mental trauma that might need sorting out. Already, licensed therapists are forbidden to help minors who seek help for unwanted same-sex attractions.

And such a bill could have even more far-reaching implications to everyone. Some say that if the citizens are not allowed to speak against such help or counseling, what about the Bible? The Bible is pretty clear so will that book along with many others join in the legal book burning peering over the ever growing mountain of legal intrusions into the ordinary citizen’s life?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. FIRST AMENDMENT

Our world is a daily war with politics. The representatives elected to office are only representing either the lining of their own pockets, personal circumstances, or seeing how much further they can destroy the freedoms this state and our country was successfully built upon. Already, the governor of California (an ex-Jesuit seminarian and, to all intents and purposes given his actions as governor, a fallen-away Catholic) plans to sign the bill once it goes through the last of the required actions and votes. I guess that jeopardizing the business climate in California along with the unneeded taxes, and laws are not enough. Now, he wants the government to burst into every home, church, synagogue, faith group, and mosque to insure that all ways are at the beck and call of a group of people with only their welfare in mind. And, I don’t imagine the conscience-free lawmakers who came up with this travesty of justice will rest if this Bill passes. It will just open things up for more and more control of every aspect of our lives until (to paraphrase Alice In Wonderland), “All ways are our ways”!

More Attacks On Our Freedoms . . .

Why Is ERA Bad for Women, Children and Families?

If ERA passes things like co-ed bathrooms in your children’s school, locker room and even your church will become law. Notice the wording of ERA below.  It doesn’t say “women” anywhere, it says “sex” which, in today’s culture, can mean anything.

Equality Rights Amendment

  • Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
  • Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
  • Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.

Myths & Facts About ERA

American’s Women Are Being Lied To!  Check Out These Myths and Facts of ERA and the dangers it poses to women and children.

Myth: Women’s rights are not protected under the constitution.

FACT:  Women’s Rights are Already Protected. The U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled that the Equal Protection mandate of the 14th Amendment applies to women. ERA actually violates the constitution giving special privileges to some while denying the rights of others.

Myth: ERA Protects Women’s Rights

FACT: ERA Infringes on Women’s Rights Under ERA women that are dependent on their husbands would lose social security benefits.Programs that assist women to re-enter the work force would be eliminated, and invalidate the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and other laws that protect pregnant women.

Myth: ERA Protects Women

FACT: ERA Erases Gender and Endangers Women. ERA eliminates privacy for women in our hospitals, bathrooms, locker rooms, nursing homes, prisons and even domestic violence shelters.  The military could not have different training standards for men or women and in the event of war with a draft, the draft would have to apply to women as well as men. ERA would not allow exceptions for privacy in these areas, as all would become unisex.

Myth: ERA creates equality

FACT: ERA erases gender and endangers women and children. Under ERA.  Coed bathrooms, showers and locker rooms in our children’s schools will become mandatory—enforced by law. All sports activities would become co-ed, leaving an unfair advantage to men competing against women.

Myth: ERA will provide equal pay for equal work.

FACT: Equal pay already exists for women. Equal pay for Equal work and discrimination in the workplace laws already exist for all Americans—men and women. It is the law, exclusive to no one regardless of race, religion, or gender.

Myth: ERA creates equality for next generation

FACT: ERA Endangers Children If ERA becomes law, gender identification (see Gender-Bread flyer), homosexuality, and comprehensive Sex education will become mandatory curriculum and courses of study in our children’s classrooms at all grade levels. ERA would overrule states and mandate, by order of the courts, that taxpayers fund abortion on demand—literally killing the next generation!

Myth: ERA has no secret agenda

FACT: ERA Endangers Religious Freedoms. Under ERA churches would be required to perform same sex marriages and all seminaries, schools, and classes would be required coed.

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America – Land of Fear That Preys on Freedom?

So, exactly what damage was done in offering something on history in a college that should be teaching that very same history? The cost of college tuition is way too expensive for ‘learning’ experience like this.