Voting for the America You Want for Your Children and Grandchildren

So far, the first votes of the election season have been anything but stellar for the Republicans which leads me to wonder . . . Where were all the Republican voters that helped turn the tide on the Democrats in November 2016?

We still have a good many more state elections on list for 2018 and if the results continue with such a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the Republican voters we will face all the guaranteed promises of the Democrats listed above.

How soon the Republican voters seems to forget the joy the morning after voting November 2016. It was a pleasant surprise to the Republicans and, obviously, a horrible shock to the Democrats who believed what they wanted as that elections season progressed rather than  recognize the snowball that was building momentum.

As we all know, from the moment the presidential votes were confirmed, it has been open season on Republicans and their elected choice for president. Given the turmoil, untruths perpetuated by the press, the grief of the Hollywood actors, and the subsequent verbal and physical attacks on anyone with some unapproved (by the left) bumper sticker or hat, you’d think the Republicans would have gathered forces to repeat their victory across the board again. Complacency  just two years down the road from 2016 doesn’t bode well for the final election results of 2020.

Think about the previous eight years before the election of President Trump . . . Do you really want obama supported candidates to have a chance at our laws, our Constitution, and our freedoms, again?


Being Grateful to God . . .And Vote in Line with Christian Values

One of the main concerns in the world today, are the children who are growing up without values, little needful education and a warped sense of what is right and wrong. There is a try to do unto before you are done to mentality which is wreaking havoc on our American way of life. In our pursuit of happiness, many are conveniently forgetting Who is blessing us with our gladness in life. The powers that be on earth are certainly not in line with the Power that is in Heaven.
An older person (who should have known better!) explained to me once that politicians have to please the majority in order to keep peace in the land. And, if the majority favors agendas that might be personally against the morals of the political leader, well then he or she will have to strive to keep his or her personal feelings out of it and govern with a compromised term of office. It is very much a contradiction when you consider “There is no power but from God.” yet many people translate authority to meet their desired way of life rather than using God’s Commandments.
The last few months have really brought to light the definitely skewed values that are held by so many people. The mentality seems to be that you should do your job and try not to get caught if you stray in any way with your personal life. Integrity doesn’t seem to have a place in many life styles and beliefs today. And anyone who is shocked at these seemingly sudden turn of events must have been sleeping the last couple of decades or so.
We now have laws in our land that sanction and even promote abortion for any reason. Euthanasia is no longer the stuff of science fiction novels. Partial birth abortions that result in total anguish and death for the unborn child is being fought over with the death squads winning. Marriage is an outmoded way of life and pro-creation is reduced from a God-given blessing to nothing more than pro-recreation thanks to the contraceptive mind set being cultivated.
The world is not a place to take at face value anymore. Simple trust is not feasible if you want to survive the spiritual holocaust that is feeding into our lives from all sides of our lives. Just perusing the morning newspaper reveals a climate that is, for the most part, incompatible with gaining the final glory of Heaven. The sad thing is that very few are being educated to care about this. And the future of the world depends on the education of the children of today.
I suppose you could read these mental wanderings of mine and find me rather pessimistic. Perhaps so, but take a moment to reflect. How many elected, political officials lack basic morality and integrity? How many laws have been passed that are in reality, incompatible with a basic, moral life? How many people overlook elementary yet essential values when voting in elections? How many Catholics are in this group?

Currently, we have been blessed with many good changes compliments of a President who cares about this country and not his popularity or pocketbook. President Trump gave up a private life of personal comfort and work to take on the problems besetting this country. The national news stations have turned into gossip columns with personal agendas they air as journalism. They suppress the good and emphasize the bad trying to make lies stick to the President and his administration. I hope more people are encouraged by the truths that are very evident and avoid the non newsworthy information the liberals spout and see the many good things that have happened since Election Day 2016.

Elections Have Meaning . . .

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us. it behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.”

(This could apply to any election year, but is credited to Abraham Lincoln, 1863!)

The political turmoil is stirring up as every candidate or want-to-be recognized candidate sends out their messages to their personal advantage. They want to win a nomination and, ultimately, the political office so truth isn’t necessarily a primary issue in their campaigns. Perhaps, it isn’t only the politicians that are helping our country down a slippery path.

I am beginning to see where the problems of the world are centered. Although the people perpetuating evil are the catalyst for bad times, the reason for the continued lack of values in our social, political and moral environment happens because of the ordinary good people! I am talking about those who have decided that one vote, one objection or one argument on the side of goodness wouldn’t really matter in view of the vastness of the problems we are beset with today.

During the last election, I mentioned to someone that if you vote for a pro-abortion candidate, you share in each and every abortion made possible because that particular candidate was elected to a position that made his agenda of death possible. Their quick retort was, “I voted for him/her because of his/her stand on the major political issues.” How does God weigh major political issues when the life of a baby is in the balance?

Someone else told me that there are too many charities. Rather than try and support all of them, just avoid the decision and don’t donate to any of them. Realistically, one can’t give to every good cause, however, who knows where the widow’s mite you do give will make a difference? Pennies add up to dollars when everyone thinks about those in need.

How many people are really shocked today when they hear about someone having a baby out of wedlock. Or couples living together without the benefits of marriage? When our leaders exhibit immoral behavior, does it make any impression other than to grace the political cartoon on the editorial page? I was informed that you can’t change the world so you might as well learn to live with it! Did we buy it, when certain people once explained their guilt by saying, “we were just following orders.”? Majority should never rule when their rules are wrong.

We are firstly responsible for our souls and those of our children. We can’t isolate ourselves from the ways of the world, but if we don’t do our part to change the world, what kind of legacy are we leaving our children. Will they look back on our example and continue their lives in Godly ways?

White, Married Women are Weak?

Hillary Clinton is continuing her over a year-long hate tour on the subject of why President Trump stole the election from her. Of course, it has nothing to do with what she was promoting or the continued shadows of doubt covering her past and present actions. Nope, she didn’t take any of that into considering believing she was the best thing that could happen to the country and she had earned the right to be the first female present.

She went way out of bounds on her visit to India. In the year 2018, that she could claim such rampant white male chauvinism in declaring that said white males turned the election against her by forcing their wives, mothers, and sisters to vote for Trump . . . or else. Uh, or else what? What you tell someone  your vote is, doesn’t mean that is actually where your vote went.

In addition to laying claim that white women  are aided, abetted and forced to vote for the candidate of their choice rather than letting the woman   decide her own vote is pretty weak. In some of my encounters, pre-election, I knew a lot of females who were asking that their husbands vote for Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton seems to feel that challenging President Trump in the next presidential election will solidify her fan base and she will ultimately triumph. Seems to me that the  voters spoke in 2016 and even with all the scheming, lies, and voter fraud, she still lost. Besides, I’m thinking the world has grown up more since 2016 and if they end up voting this woman into office after all, they will deserve what they get.


President Trump vs. The Oprah

So . . . The Oprah is being singled out as a possible contender for the office of president in the next presidential election. From the get go, the media has demeaned President Trump as being more than insufficient for the job yet the current state of the union and economy reflect a much different picture. I have to wonder exactly what The Oprah would bring to the table to insure the continuation of the United States in freedom and peace. I’ve seen her shed a lot of crocodile tears over the years but never seen her make a solid, well-thought out statement on politics or the world. Seemingly, she is riding on her visibility rather than her intelligence. Yes, she is a good business woman but being the dictator of her own companies, is a bit different than knowing what you are doing in the world wide view.

An interview with her on the current world situation would be interesting as she might spend more time changing the subject to something she can apply in the form of an answer. I remember her glorifying the economic system in Denmark where everyone gets an education for free, everyone works, everything is accessible to everyone one. She didn’t research the massive income tax in the country that keeps people struggling.

She extolled obamacare so how would she defend that now in a presidential debate. As we know, it didn’t work, cost money, and left a lot of people formerly insured without a reasonable policy. Does she have an answer to that or would she just go to a one-payer system where everyone (except The Oprah) would get the same miserable medical attention. England is giving signs of a one-payer going wrong but would The Oprah do real research or weep tears to show her feelings which is easier than dealing – Hashtag#So sad, too bad!

I know how the separation of Church and State would go under her rule. She publically made her case about Christianity years ago. I remember an interview she had with a delightful group of nuns on her show (the only reason I watched the show that day!) and a constant refrain to their celibate choice of life was, “What about sex?” Sex won’t last into eternity but God will although God doesn’t seem too high on her list of priorities. Given her lifestyle choices, the Ten Commandments aren’t high on her list of things to do . . . or not do.

And how would she deal with racism? Again, she publically stated that the problem with racism in the country are the old people who were raised racist and haven’t changed their way. She put out her ‘cure’ in an interview.

Also, I’ve not heard her view on massive immigration, illegal immigration, terrorism, etc. Guess she doesn’t even think about the wall as she has lived in safety and protection. Anyway, a The Oprah vs. President Trump campaign should be interesting. President Trump has proof that he knows how to help and make laws for the country and The Oprah has minions to protect her from the hard questions and set traps for President Trump.

As mentioned before, we have people that PRAY while The Oprah has those that PREY.