Anniversary of 9/11 – We Should Never Forget!

Lord of Mercy, Prince of Peace,

This date, 9-11, carries a heavy burden of memory.

This day does not pass in the calendar without our remembering.

We remember images of death and destruction. Images that human eyes were never meant to see. We remember words our ears were never meant to hear, the tender last words of husbands and wives who would never embrace again.

We imagine the feeling of emptiness in the arms of children who at the end of the day could not find mom or dad for their welcome home hug. We remember our own feelings of emptiness as our sense of security, as our own confidence in the predictable order of life and work was radically shaken.
This date, 9-11, carries a heavy burden of memory.

We remember the heroism of the many that lost their lives in saving others. We remember all those who suffered and died, we grieve for them still, friends and strangers alike, along with their families and friends.


This date, 9-11, carries a heavy burden of memory.

And it is right that it should not pass from our memory. But today and in this prayer, along with our remembrance of profound loss, it also seems right that we give voice to our deep longing for peace, and with this prayer, commit ourselves to those actions that will draw us closer to our most ancient and most holy desire, peace among all God’s children.

Dona nobis pacem.
Lord, grant us peace. Amen.

A Prayer For 9/11

A Prayer For 9/11

By Thomas L. McDonald

Dear Lord, as we remember the evils of September 11th, let us turn our hearts and minds towards the good found only in You;

Be close to those who mourn: the parents who lost children, the children who never knew a parent, and all who lost a loved one;

Embrace this grieving nation, and let time never lessen the impact of this day; may we never forget;

Protect those who go in harm’s way to save others, and those who suffer and die to safeguard our nation;

Give wisdom to our leaders, that they may make choices that prevent another day such as this;

Convert the hearts of those who seek our destruction, and banish from the world the darkness that allows such hate to fester and grow;

Let Your love rain down upon us, and let Your peace flourish on the Earth;

All these things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


100 Percent FED Up's photo.


Freedom Daily with Brian Kolfage's photo.