St. Peter Has Left the Room . . .

In a very unexpected move, Pope Francis gave away the relics of St. Peter. Does the Pope know that St. Peter was the founding Pope of our church? Wouldn’t it seem appropriate even to him that such a item should remain in the focal point of all the Catholics churches in the world, the Vatican.

It seems to me that a presiding pope should have some oversight before handing over relics so profound and revered by the Church as a gift from him to someone outside our faith. A date to remember with sadness. On June 29, 2019, Pope Francis handed over the relics of St. Peter to the archbishop of telmissos as a gift to Patriarch Bartholomew to be stored in Instanbul.

Based on False Science and Worse . . .

Dear Pope . . .

The next time Pope Francis wonders why America wants to build walls and whether we are acting with the blessing and/or approval of God, a quick look in the Bible is clarifying. I bet he has a Bible around the Vatican somewhere, too.

For he said to Judah, “Let us build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours because we have sought the LORD our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side.” So they built and prospered.

2 Chronicles 14:7

Pope Alexander VI

Did some research and our current papal/cardinal scandals are truly bad but, in some respects, the grand prize for having been a really awful pope goes to Rodrigo Borgia. Just the Borgia name clues one into the thought that all might not have been well with this person in charge of anything.

Ridrigo Borgia had a ‘leg up’ on climbing the papal ladder as his uncle was Pope Calixtus III. Most likely, given his papal connection, getting through the various church ranks to his highest title in the church was made easier with the nepotism involved. As he made his way through the ranks, he managed to accumulate a great deal of wealth, too. No tithing for him! In 1492 whilst Columbus was sailing the ocean blue, he greased a few palms, called in some favors and purchased his place in the papacy. Bribery came in handy for getting the better of two other ‘claims’ to the throne.

The crowned Pope Alexander was pretty rotten to the core. He provided the world with seven illegitimate children by way of his mistresses. The church paid for their expenses and he endowed them with funding at the church’s expense. Living a rather plush life at the expense of the Church was, well expensive. When he needed to replenish the cash flow, he established new cardinals in return for money. Another ‘successful’ ploy was to arrest and jail rich people on imagined charges or murder them and abscond with their wealth.

It seems that Alexander VI was never considered godly (Go figure, right?) or in line with the Church and all things lawful. The only ‘virtues’ that can be said about him was his greedy ambition and lust for money and power. The orderly government of the City of Rome he bribed his way into, was left in complete shambles and disrepair.

“Now we are in the power of a wolf, the most rapacious perhaps that this world has ever seen. And if we do not flee, he will inevitably devour us all.” By Giovanni de Medici (Pope Leo X)

The Pope and the Death Penalty

Recently, the pope came out with a change in the Church’s view of capital punishment. I’m sorry to say that he doesn’t seem to have gone beyond an emotional view on this versus the Church and Church History. One of his main concerns is that capital punishment executions takes away a person’s dignity and time in reviewing his redemption. At no point did he mention what was taken away from the victim(s) or their families. Before victims were brutally murdered, were they allowed reflection on their pending mortality and redemption before being forcibly pushed into the afterlife on the whim of a murderer?

Praying the Pope Makes the Right Decisions

Over the years, it seems the numbers of true Christians and Catholics have gone down. Just looking at some of the things that are going on in the world should make that evident. When over 50% of the Catholics voted in an adamant pro-abort president twice, one had to realize there was a serious problem. Now that the current Pope has been making changes and proposing iffy solutions in the Church, one feels that although the Church will never ultimately fail, there is certainly some rough waters ahead.