Book Suggestion of the Week!

Title: Saint Joseph of Copertino
Author: Fr. Angelo Pastrovicchi, OMC
God’s wants are not complicated! He uses simple means to teach and human examples to show how we can improve our lives.
St. Joseph of Copertino was such a simple man yet the depth of his love for God and His Mother was greater than he could contain within the bounds of usual expression.
Father Pastrovicchi has written that even the mention of our Lord or Blessed Mother would cause St. Joseph to levitate while he prayed. It certainly takes a specially blessed individual to outwardly show God’s power in dramatic ways. However, the experiences of such a religious person should cause us to reflect on our own perception of prayer in our lives.

Sharing a Favorite Book!

Title: I Want to Go Home!
Author: Gordon Korman

This is definitely a book for the younger set but I found myself enjoying it immensely! The two main characters (and they are characters!), don’t want to go to camp. Since parents rule, they find themselves there anyway, and the rest of the book deals with their plots and plans for escaping. It was refreshing in there was no questionable language. It was just a fun read. And it had a happy ending . . . for some!

Book Find to Recommend

After years of dusting The Story of a Soul by St. Therese, I finally put the book on my daily reading/study list and was immediately hooked. Reading the book had a further bonus as St. Therese mentioned a book she said changed her life. Well, the book is still in print and age has not changed the message for today’s world. I’m only a few pages in and housework could be seriously neglected until I finish the book.

It is called “The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Live” by
Father Charles Arminjon. I found my copy of Amazon and the price was extremely reasonable for a brand new, paperback copy.

Some Newly Discovered & Now Favorite Books!

For one reason or the other, several books have crossed my path in the last few months that quickly earned a place on my ‘favorites’ list. I thought I’d share them today and see if one or more of them might find a way onto your list of good reads.

1. A classic that I never bothered to read and, after reading it, wonder what was wrong with me to not give it a chance years ago! Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.

2. A real how-to book for those in need or to keep ahead of the liberal influence on our children today. Return – How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church by Brandon Vogt.

3. The title speaks for itself: The Battle Plan for Prayer – From Basic Training to Targeted Strategies by Stephen and Alex Kendrick.

4. In case you’ve misplace Jesus in your life, a great road map finding Him. Rediscover Jesus – An Invitation by Matthew Kelly.

5. If you are interested in some soul-searching and prayer enhancement – Fervent – A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer