Some Newly Discovered & Now Favorite Books!

For one reason or the other, several books have crossed my path in the last few months that quickly earned a place on my ‘favorites’ list. I thought I’d share them today and see if one or more of them might find a way onto your list of good reads.

1. A classic that I never bothered to read and, after reading it, wonder what was wrong with me to not give it a chance years ago! Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.

2. A real how-to book for those in need or to keep ahead of the liberal influence on our children today. Return – How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church by Brandon Vogt.

3. The title speaks for itself: The Battle Plan for Prayer – From Basic Training to Targeted Strategies by Stephen and Alex Kendrick.

4. In case you’ve misplace Jesus in your life, a great road map finding Him. Rediscover Jesus – An Invitation by Matthew Kelly.

5. If you are interested in some soul-searching and prayer enhancement – Fervent – A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer

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