Alfie Evans – Rest in Peace

When we read the news, today, almost all the headlines read: “Alfie Evans dies at Alder Hey hospital after life support withdrawn . . .

It brings to a end the stalwart fight by Alfie’s family to give him a chance at life. Instead of releasing the child to his parents in order to get a second opinion, they were in court many times trying to win the right to be parents and do what they felt was right for their son. The world stood with them but the UK system gave them police guards which were not to protect the baby but to insure he was not taken to another hospital for reevaluation. Money was not an object as Italy, Poland, Germany, and China made offers. Italy made Alfie an Italian citizen in order to get him to Rome, with the Pope’s blessing, to seek treatment. On all counts, Alfie was refused a chance.

In spite of being basically declared a ‘vegetable’, Alfie breathed on his own. He responded to his parents’ voices. He stretched and even had smiles. This did not move the doctors who still refused him life. His parents wanted to take him home to have him to themselves and their family for however long he would be with them. The doctors refused.

Well, today the Alder Hey doctors got their wish and Alfie went home to heaven. It seems that the UK is getting good at preventing second opinions or allowing families to seek the best options for their babies. In a country supposedly as civilized as the UK, why were these tactics necessary? Why did they fight so hard to insure the death of a child?

So, when we read the news, today, understand the headlines do not say that little Alfie passed quietly from this life so much as Alder Hey hospital removed his life support. Naturally, the hospital sent their condolences but it is easy to be kind once you’ve gotten what you want.

The world should never forget the three, little boys who had their lives taken away from them in the UK medical system: Charlie, Isaiah, and Alfie – mandated by the hospital with the blessing of the courts to die. Prayers should continue for these three families as they probably relive their own agony as the next child gets sentenced to death.

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