President Trump and the Sanctity of Life

Somewhat like the Civil War, the results of the Presidential election brought about a lot of arguing among friends, families, and religions. To this day, I keep a low profile when I go to Mass because there are still people who resent the fact that a pro-abort, planned parenthood supporter with a rather bad record of lies and deceptions didn’t win the presidency. Instead of a wait and see attitude of thoughtful people, they continue to bemoan the fact and ignore the facts . . . such as the list of accomplishments by President Trump among which there are ones many of us have been praying to happen for years.

*Reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy to prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding abortion clinics oversea

*overturning the rule that forced states to fund abortion providers with taxpayer dollars

*appointing pro-life Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

*prohibiting the use of Title X funding any clinic that provides abortions

*defunding the United Nations Fund for Population and Development

*his pledge to fight for and sign a 20-week abortion ban bill.

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