Perfecting Politics and Making Up Agendas . . .

One of the main focal points of the upcoming presidential election from the Democratic side of the aisle is reparations to the blacks for the suffering they have endured because of slavery. Aside from the fact that there haven’t been slave owners or slaves in the life times of anyone alive today, exactly how would this reparation fund be parceled out?

There are a lot of wealthy blacks in show business, the music industry, commerce, finance, politics. Would they be eligible for reparation payments and, if so, why? Seems their ‘suffering’ has been over for quite awhile now.

What about Americans that have naturalized into citizenship to this country in the last, say, fifty years. Since they had no part or history of the plantation slavery in America, shouldn’t they be exempt of deductions from their income for something they were never a part of in this country?

What about the people who are biracial? How would that figure out in parceling out reparation?

If you were a black slave owner (and that did exist!), would you get to be a recipient or have to pay into the reparation pot? Would Congress be able to work with fractions in that event?

Remember, there were two sides to the Civil War which is WHY there was a Civil War. Would everyone have to trace back their ancestry to see if they fought on side of the North (which is the ones that wanted to end slavery) or a relation of the South? Doesn’t seem right that a family that has heroes from the North side in their family tree would be liable for making reparation payments. Personally, I have seven ancestors who died fighting for the North in the Civil War.

Right now, any and most everyone who is in dire straits already gets some kind of federal aide through food stamps or welfare. Seems that those in need have already been helped.

I also foresee a lot of other groups coming forth for repayment for having endured suffering by the mere fact of being an American.

College students who ran up outrageous tuition bills for degrees that didn’t lead to productive jobs in the workplace, should they be compensated for this. I knew someone that majored in medieval history and discovered upon gradation that the need for something with that degree wasn’t out there.

Then there are all the gentle souls that have been triggered by MAGA hats. Should they be compensated or should there be a dress code enforced which would protect their sensitivities?

I imagine that there are plenty of other groups of people who feel they need a form of reparation, too. I also foresee many years of taxpayer-founded, political discernment on how to collect and distribute a possible reparation . . . which makes me wonder about the potentially deserving ones that pass away in the decades of deliberation . . . would their families and their family’s families get to have their check as well as their own once a decision is put into law?

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