Tolerance and Open Minds?

Tolerance as defined by the Democrats seems to be a one-way street as in ‘their way or no way’ and no holds barred if you disagree.

*Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant. Seems she may be facing
opposition to her freedom of choice at her own home now.

*Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed in her own home.

*Homeland Security staffers have been warned of “increased threats” from the open borders mob.

*Democrat Maxine Waters is calling for MORE HARASSMENT of the Silent Majority.

*Just Google ‘threats on Trump and Family’ and be amazed at all the horrible plots put out there by famous people and I have yet to hear about them being arrested.

Seemingly, the liberal left thinks that if you don’t agree with everything they say, you bring about harassment and hurt upon yourself and it is YOUR fault if you suffer.

During the 2016 election, it was condoned for Democrats or Bernie supporters to do their best to ruin any Republican event. Known conservators were attacked verbally and, sometimes, physically. The election didn’t end this as Maxine Waters immediately went on the impeachment train even before Trump moved into the White House. Now, she has incited her following to further discord and attacks on anyone that agrees with Trump. Now, the democrats are always quick to defend most anything or anyone in the voice of ‘freedom’ . . . unless YOUR freedom doesn’t come in line with their view of freedom. I once knew someone that warned me with, “You make me angry, you take your chances!” Seems to be the mantra of the liberals, too.

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