Sending off Little Dresses for Africa!

P1000804I had some time, last week and over the days managed to get eight more dresses down for Little Dresses for Africa. Anyone who likes to sew, might look into trying this. The dresses are basic which leaves lots of room for artistic touches like pockets and trims. Fun to imagine, too, that some little girl in Africa will have a wonderful surprise one of these days when the latest shipment of little dresses arrive.

More Little Dresses for Africa!

P1000644I’m still working on my current sewing project for Little Dresses for Africa. I’ve sewn seventeen to date and these I just finished today. So far, I’ve made six small-sized dresses, six medium-sized dresses and these five large-sized dresses. The photo doesn’t do justice to the colors of the fabric.

Anyone interested in doing some sewing for little girls far away in Africa, just google Little Dresses for Africa and it will take you to plenty of sites as well as the pattern.

Little Dresses for Africa!

P1000574 P1000575 P1000576As many of my friends know, I like to sew but even with all that is available to sew, sometimes, you need a project that means something, too. I recently discovered ‘Little Dresses for Africa’. Links to check out: and

Basically, volunteers from all over that love to sew and like to give of themselves are making these dresses for little girls and distributing them to Africa through orphanages, churches, and schools. The basic pattern is easy and you can probably make more than one in the space of an afternoon. There is also a pattern available on-line for making shorts for little boys. I have a lot of fabric, not a lot of time, but making these dresses works right into my schedule. Only one major seam, a drawstring type of neckline and whatever else you want to add like pockets, lace, etc., is up to you.

Check out the pictures on the first link and see how happy the children are on distribution day when they all get a new dress.

Scrappy View on Sewing!

Not too long ago, I completed a rail fence scrap quilt. After seeing it on the sofa for the last few weeks, I couldn’t stand it any longer . . . I spent yesterday cutting all my scraps into MORE rail fence pieces and plan to make another one. I find it fascinating to see how a random combination of fabric can be soothing, interesting, and pretty at the same time.

Kind of like people when they cooperate and work together towards a common good. Each one is different and unique yet they all blend together somehow. I like looking at quilts and trying to find a reason for them!

I do have a secret incorporated into my quilts. Many of them have a scapular sewn inside. Kind of like sending a little blessing along with the gift.

Quilting has taught me patience in spite of my lazier inclinations. I do have to admit that I’m always looking for shortcuts. A great site for easier cutting and piecing can be found on the Quilt in a Day web page. Although there is a cost for some of the patterns, they also offer many free ones which include tips for faster cutting and sewing.

I tend to find a pattern I like in quilting and make several quilts with the basic plan before my husband suggests I (please!) try another one. Last time, it was the rail fence. I made four quilts with that pattern. Even I tired of it!

I have never taken a quilting class so other people might be totally familiar with this method of piecing. That’s okay, I’m still thrilled to have finally found it myself! You take two squares of fabric and line them together, right sides facing. Pin the fabric to stabilize. Using a ruler and a fabric marker, chalk, or pen, draw a line from one corner of the square diagonally to the other. Sew a quarter inch seam on each side of the line. Cut down the line (not either seam!), open up, press, and you have a square with two perfectly sewn together triangles.

My husband once asked me what my favorite tasks were in quilting. I said they were finding a pattern, selecting the fabric, and the last stitch!

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Dolls Need Beds, Too!

A friend is planning a surprise for her daughter at Christmas – two bunk beds for her four, favorite dolls. She asked me if I could come up with some bedding for the pampered babies. Since my daughters are past that stage, I welcomed the chance to play house and sew up the needed items. Each of the four beds come with a bed pillow, a decorative pillow, fitted sheets, mattress, and a quilt. Because I’m an overachiever, I made two quilts for each of the four beds because, after all, dolls need some variety in their lives, too!P1000510

One Productive Day!

I have a priest friend who lives in Nigeria that comes out to visit California in the summer. He  noticed the small tote bag I carry to church with my Rosary and prayer book and asked me where I got it so he could buy some to take back to Nigeria with him. He likes to bring his sister and the ladies’ group something from his vacations in America. I told him I made the bags and would make him some for free as it give me an excuse to sew! It was a good deal for both of us. Since summer is fast approaching, I realized I had better start working on the bags in order to have a good amount for him to take home this year. I try to give him at least a dozen so by my count, I still have eight to go!

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Not Ignoring My Quilting Addiction . . .

P1060238Although I’ve been doing a lot of crocheting (more portable for something to do while waiting for son to get out of class!), I’m still sewing/quilting whenever I get a chance. I’m making tote bags right now and making designs using scraps.

Scraps, however, doesn’t do justice to the fabric used as the reason they end up in my leftover box is that they are so pretty and I hate to see them leave my collection. There have often been times when a very small piece of fabric is the exact fit for a missing section on a creation.

Accomplishment of the Week!

P1060196Two people asked for some of my handmade tote bags for various events. It is always a case of when it rains, it pours as all the orders came in the same week. With a push of energy, I got all eleven completed yesterday. I still have two aprons to go but two vs. eleven is doable.



After I was treated to a trip to the fabric warehouse and came home with new fabric, I figured I should try and complete some pending projects first. This one has been sitting on my sewing table for about three months. Every time I need to get to the sewing machine, this quilt had to be relocated because my need for the sewing machine didn’t concern actually finishing this one!

Either new vitamins or guilt had me complete TWO projects this week and I just threw them on top of other completed one in my room. They are officially off the sewing table.

In this quilt, I was seeing what I could do with the black and white prints in conjunction with the pink ones that had similar patterns. I got a lot of scraps used for the Dresden Plate circles and the idea seemed to work out pretty well. I got to do may favorite part of making a quilt today . . . The last stitch!