Ballad of the Unborn

Ballad of the Unborn
by Fay Clayton

My shining feet will never run
On early morning lawn;
My feet were crushed before they had
A chance to greet the dawn.
My fingers now will never stretch
To touch the winning tape;
My race was done before I learned
The smallest steps to take.
My growing height will never be recorded on the wall;
My growth was stopped when I was still,
Unseen, and very small.
My lips and tongue will never taste
The good fruits of the earth;
For I myself was judged to be
A fruit of little worth.
My eyes will never scan the sky
For my high-flying kite;
For when still blind, destroyed were they
In the black womb of night.
I’ll never stand upon a hill
Spring’s winds in my hair,
Aborted winds of thought closed in
On motherhood’s despair.
I’ll never walk the shores of life
Or know the tides of time;
For I was coming but unloved,
And that my only crime.
Nameless am I, a grain of sand
One of the countless dead,
But the deed that made me ashen grey
Floats on seas of red.

Midterm Voting . . . It’s Important!

The midterms are upon us and, traditionally, a big presidential win by either party, usually results in a low turn-out for the party currently in power and gives the other party a possible head’s up in turning the tide in anticipation for the 2020 presidential election.

While we had a good turn out for the presidential election, many people may not feel the need to defend their turf come November. Knowing this, the Democrats are out to take over the House and, if successful, make the rest of President Trump’s term miserable for him. Uh, as if that hasn’t been their ongoing goal since November 2016.

Over the years, I have heard so many people tell me why they couldn’t vote:

1. I forgot to re-register to vote after I missed voting in the last election.
2. It was raining that day and I didn’t want to wait in line. (Voting is indoors!)
3. With my children in school, I need to be home in case there is an emergency. (Cell phone?)
4. I home school and don’t want to disrupt the day. (A living lesson in our country and how it works?)
5. If I register to vote, I will get called for Jury Duty. (They don’t go by the voting lists.)
6. I really didn’t know who to vote for or even who was running and for what? (You take pride in this?
7. I had a headache, fever, stomach . . . (fill in the blanks!)
8. Oh, was yesterday voting day?

After over two years of fake media reporting, trying to thwart the president’s job, initiating various uprisings about whatever faction feels slighted that day, are we really going to give the opposition a chance to undo the good work and changes to date? And, if you feel there has not been anything of value done since November 2016, you haven’t been reading all the news. Just the fact that unemployment is down, jobs are more plentiful, and taxes were cut and reflected in your take home pay should be enough to get one to the polling place. We could go into more details about President Trump’s handling of some dictators, allies, negotiating better trade values but if you didn’t care enough to listen when it happened, you probably won’t believe it now.

So, just a thought-provoking reminder that voting is coming up soon. Voting is important. And leaving it up to a few to keep our politicians in office, might not be enough. Just think! One of the first things on the Democrat agenda is to rescind the tax cuts, impeach the president, and reinstate as much of the previous eight years as possible.

Still not convinced? It seems to me that every vote a person doesn’t bother to use, means a vote for the other side. As Christians/Catholics, the only chance for pro-life standards comes from the current administration. In essence, the vote you don’t use will be a vote to a party who has a firm platform in place for abortion in place. You might not consider yourself in favor of abortion but your absence at the polling place will signal strongly that you didn’t care enough to keep an adamantly pro-abortion political party out of office in hopes of saving more unborn.

From the Voting Booth . . .

I just ran across a percentage point from the Presidential 2016 election which I actually found worrisome and, in another view, horrifying. The article, based on voter participation (which was higher than usual in 2016) reflected that only around 19 percent voted for Donald J. Trump for president in our city. No matter, right, as Trump got into office even without the votes from California. In fact, it would have been somewhat of a shock if California had actually whole heartedly decided to vote for real principles than global warming leftover agendas and such.

Yes, that’s the way it goes in an election BUT, if only 19 percent voted for President Trump in our city and the Catholic/Christian population is obviously more than 19 percent of the population here, can you see the problem?

Last I heard, there are certain aspects of a candidate that can’t be ignored when we go to cast our vote. The right to life is one of them and that means the right to a live birth for unborn babies. The competitor to President Trump in the election was very much for Planned Parenthood and their number-one profit item – abortion. Comparing the two candidates, it shouldn’t have been difficult to make a voting decision. Seemingly, many Catholics either bought the fabricated news that Hillary was the superior intelligence, and supported the rights of women.

However, Hillary’s support of women didn’t include the unborn which when making a vote as a Catholic would cross her right off the list. Sadly, however, it seems that Catholics found some justifiable (in their own uninformed minds) reason to vote for the woman who would advocate abortion long and loud as a freedom for women. To see election time bumper stickers in a church parking lot proclaiming a vote for Hillary was disgraceful. I, personally, have Catholic relatives that stopped communication with us as of November 2016. I even have some local Catholics who denounced and then ignored me when they discovered that I didn’t take the opportunity to vote for the first woman president.

It can be a tad distracting at times when there is a church event or service as you wonder which of the congregation in session is one of the minority when it came to voting as a Catholic. The overall percentage of votes for President Trump in the State of California as a whole was just a bit over 31% Scary to think that the huge win for Hillary in California could have included votes from bishops, priests, seminarians, nuns, deacons . . . Just another fall in the slippery slope of moral values in the world today.

A last thought is that a vote for an adamant abortion advocate is a vote for continued and expanded abortion. Fortunately, Hillary didn’t win and neither did her expansion plans for abortion. BUT, there still might need to be some explanations to God on one’s personal judgement day when he asks such voters why they thought their support of a candidate’s proposed laws, if elected, were more important than His laws? Every baby is made in the image and likeness of God and everyone but 19% of our little city’s population were okay with their vote encouraging that horrific murder.

Abortion Confusion?

The liberals seem to have an interesting take on which children should live and which should die. There is ongoing protests about the children at the border. The United States didn’t bring those children over the border and, seemingly, are doing a good job of protecting them. The left seems to forget that the parents broke the law coming over and have to provide some kind of identification that they should be allowed in the country. Already, the border patrol has found MS-13 trying to get in with children that are not theirs. People with multiple deportations for crimes committed are discovered and children showing up at very young ages have to be protected.

The battle cry from the left is that all children need to be protected and cared for and we shouldn’t send anyone back because, as they like to repeat and repeat, “That’s not who we are . . .”

Yet, while they care so much about children sent here alone by their parents, entrusted to coyotes for the trip, and being used by other people, not many of them have a single concern about American unborn babies that die by the thousands a week. For me, you can’t have it both ways. ALL children should be safe. I guess you could say, “That’s not who we should be . . .”

President Trump and the Sanctity of Life

Somewhat like the Civil War, the results of the Presidential election brought about a lot of arguing among friends, families, and religions. To this day, I keep a low profile when I go to Mass because there are still people who resent the fact that a pro-abort, planned parenthood supporter with a rather bad record of lies and deceptions didn’t win the presidency. Instead of a wait and see attitude of thoughtful people, they continue to bemoan the fact and ignore the facts . . . such as the list of accomplishments by President Trump among which there are ones many of us have been praying to happen for years.

*Reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy to prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from funding abortion clinics oversea

*overturning the rule that forced states to fund abortion providers with taxpayer dollars

*appointing pro-life Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

*prohibiting the use of Title X funding any clinic that provides abortions

*defunding the United Nations Fund for Population and Development

*his pledge to fight for and sign a 20-week abortion ban bill.

Padre Pio On Abortion

One day, Padre Pellegrino asked Padre Pio: “Father, this morning you denied absolution to a lady who confessed to an abortion. Why have you been so rigorous with this poor unfortunate? “.

Padre Pio said: “The day, in which people, frightened by the economic boom, from physical damages or from economic sacrifices, will lose the horror of the abortion, it will be the most terrible day for humanity. Abortion is not only homicide but also suicide. And with these people we see on the point of committing two crimes…do we want to show our faith? Do we want to save them? ”

“Why suicide?” Padre Pellegrino asked.

“You would understand this suicide of the human race, if with the eye of reason, you could see the Heart populated by old men and depopulated by children: burnt as a desert.”