Open Borders – Some People Should Practice What they Preach

Poet Robert Frost once stated in a famous poem that, “Good fences make good neighbors”. Seems like an excellent bit of advice that is not seriously considered by the liberal factions in our world today. You know, the politicians and celebrities that live in gated communities and have ‘good fences’ to keep out us lower class factions. Yet, the ones making the most noise about free for all open borders are none other than politicians and celebrities along with the minions they have brainwashed into believing this even if some of the more vocal ones don’t  live it.

My mother was born and raised in Germany and she managed to save up enough money, she took me to visit relatives in Germany. We had to have a passport because every   border we crossed in our travels actually and thoroughly checked them. It was near impossible to get in and out of a country without a passport. This could definitely be considered a ‘closed’ border to everyone until you presented proof of being eligible to be there.

I was in Munich when the infamous olympic attack occurred. I was traveling with friends and one of them was Hispanic.  Because of this event, when we crossed borders in and out of Germany, not only were passports carefully scrutinized but they also had a huge tome of pictures of suspects. Since the attack was on the Jewish olympians, they were looking for a certain race. Well,  one friend and I were checked and waved through but when our Hispanic friend’s turn came, they looked at his passport, looked at him, and then looked through their book. Our friend didn’t take offence that his complexion lead the passport control to check a bit further and it was an ongoing bit of humor on that score. Why didn’t he get angry? Because he was traveling in another country and they had their laws and he abided by them.

My son and I visited Germany six years ago and our passports basically only left our pockets when we left the USA, arrived at our first destination, when we left the last country, and when we arrived back in the States. One couldn’t help but wonder how many were able to slip through but I guess the current situations overseas explains that now.

I don’t think opening up our borders into the United States is a solution to any problems we are having with immigration. I don’t think people respect a gift unless they have to work for it. I know what I’m talking about as my mother was an immigrant and I remember how hard she studied for her history test, how well she learned to speak English, and the fact that she had two, well-respected sponsors in the community to vouch for her. Her first concern after she was naturalized was to register to vote.

So, I’m thinking that if the people who are demanding open borders and are in the Congress and Senate and will eventually get to vote on this situation should live by their ‘open borders’ battle cry and be forbidden to have gated communities or solid brick walls surrounding their properties. They shouldn’t be allowed to have armed security but that is in itself another topic of discussion. I wouldn’t make them leave their doors unlocked but if they truly feel that mass, undocumented immigration into the country is a viable path for a successful future, it shouldn’t bother them to leave their ‘personal borders’ unlocked. What are they afraid of!

One thought on “Open Borders – Some People Should Practice What they Preach

  1. No borders = No security
    No borders = No national identity – and that’s what atheistic globalists want, after all.


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