Abstaining from Planned Parenthood, Too?

Never thought I’d see the day when supporters of artificial birth control and abortion at any time would  try abstinence! Do they realize that by their actions . . . or lack of action, are actually, for the time being probably saving some future babies from horrible death because what they are doing will not get them pregnant. I wonder what thought process went into this decision but it seems rather of a grandstand nature without an audience but a good deal of laughter as to HOW could this change the world.  Given the ‘spare’ cash that seems to flood the bank accounts of Planned Parenthood, it shouldn’t cause too much concern for Planned Parenthood’s bank account.  I guess we should look with pity at every woman we see as they might be one of the brave,  unfulfilled females who are abstaining from one-night stands, wavering relationships, and recreational sex.