Discounting the Socialist Agenda

Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton support to one extent or the other more socialism in the United States. They are making ‘wonderful’ promises and often point out the success socialism has had in Denmark. Obviously, they are keeping the fact that Denmark is rethinking some aspects of this way of life out of their radar, the following information from a resident of Denmark should make any voter stop to think abut the differences between political promises on the campaign trail and the truth in numbers.

BRUTAL Truth Bomb By Denmark Teacher EVISCERATES Liberals’ Call For “Free Stuff”

One thought on “Discounting the Socialist Agenda

  1. Communism, and its “politically correct” cousin, socialism, have been proven failures since that evil atheist Karl Marx (may he be feeling the fires of the hell he doesn’t believe in) started spouting his errors of communal ownership in 1848. That idiots here in this country don’t want to recognize the stupidity and futility of this philosophical exercise is beyond comprehension. The bottom line is they just have an innate NEED to control others to make themselves have a reason to exist. They depend on others for fame and fortune, because of their inability to create or perform anything on their own. Pathetic, damnable creatures. And so many among them call themselves “Catholics”.

    From: “Crazy Quilts, Catholics & Cookies” To: Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 6:24 AM Subject:


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