Samaritan’s Purse National Shoebox Collection – November 16th-23rd, 2015

Just ran across this idea this morning for sharing the blessings of Christmas. The link is below and it is called National Shoebox Collection – November 16th-23rd organized by Samaritan’s Purse. The idea is to fill a shoebox with one ‘wow’ gift like a doll, game, etc., along with little items like candy, cards, pencils, etc. The site explains everything and it is $7 per box to help cover expenses and to let you know by tracking where you box of goodies ends up in the world. I couldn’t decide so I ordered tracking tags for a boy and for a girl and am looking forward to shopping for my shoe boxes tomorrow. They also provide a list of drop off sites to take you shoeboxes. They have to be there by November 23rd to make it out in time for Christmas.

How to Pack a Shoebox