Definition of Conscience

Definition of Conscience
The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one’s conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong: Let your conscience be your guide.This definition is in line with my idea of a conscience. It is our free will at work to be a part of society without inflicting our beliefs on said society. It is the blessing of acting and believing within the realm of morality in how we interact and give example. Our conscience is what makes us a person which is why formation of a conscience is an important aspect of growing up.

We are also blessed to live in a country where we can live by the precepts of our conscience as long as we act and live responsibly. Yes, there are variations in our beliefs because we all have different conscience makeups but the one challenge we face is allowing each to make their own decisions based on the formation of their conscience.

Knowing and believing this, I was shocked to have the former Speaker of the House demean the Catholic conscience because the majority of us go by the Commandment Thou Shalt Not Kill and we believe/know that abortion does stop a beating heart.

The former Speaker of the House wants everyone’s tax dollars to fund abortion regardless of their conscience. According to her, “They (meaning practicing Catholics) would let women die on the floor.” The former Speaker of the House should check back on records as she would probably discover there have been more abortion related deaths since the legalization of abortion. Besides, if something goes against out Faith and our conscience, as a Democratic society, shouldn’t we have a choice as to where our tax dollars are spent?

“I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and love it . . . but they have this conscience thing [about abortion],” added Pelosi. The Catholic Church’s stand on abortion is very different from the former Speaker of the House’s agenda on abortion. She has either never really studied her Faith or chooses a cafeteria-style way of honoring her faith. Can’t blame her 100% as she is still given Communion at her parish. No, the archbishop cannot judge the state of her soul but he can judge her outward actions. I can only believe he never reads the news or is a coward when it comes to his own stand on the Church.548233_427533157305048_1968686081_n