Productive Day . . . Sort of . . .

Productive Day . . . Sort of . . .

Although I’m not doing the studying, I spend almost as much time at the college as my college-aged son. Since we live a distance, if he only has one class, I get to claim a place in the parking lot and wait. Fortunately, I’m a bit of a recluse so I don’t always mind the hour or so in the car if I have some magazines and handiwork to do.

It was a short day, today, so I got home in time for a quick lunch and some sewing. I got the idea of making Easter tote bags which I thought would be a good replacement for the traditional baskets. In order to make them Easter-festive, I tried to incorporate the colors of the season without using typically Easter-themed fabric so they can be use long after the marshmallow bunnies and Easter Egg Hunt. The finished products are pictured here.

Tomorrow is a long school day so I get to come home and plan to get a bit more sewing done. I’m hoping to finally complete work on three half-finished quilts but no promises as my brain keeps giving me ideas I have to try.