Questions to Ask Yourself About the Refugee Surge

Questions About the ‘Refugee’ Onslaught
(Questions raised by
1.) Why would Syrian refugees make the dangerous and extremely long journey to European nations and U.S. (who hold damnable doctrine and life-styles according to the Quran) rather than the Arab nations (who are Islamic oriented) around them?
2.) Why has it taken 5 full years (length of civil war in certain parts of Syria) for Syrians in the particular regions to leave?
3.) Why are refugees tossing out good water and food given to them by western governments on their arrival?
4.) Why are many of the refugees young men?
5.) Why are the 5 wealthiest Gulf Nations refusing to take even one refugee? What do they know that we don’t?
6.) Could it be this refugee crisis is not really a crisis at all but a Trojan Horse?
7.) Could it be that we could be looking at the most massive Infiltration of Muslims and the religion of Islam the West has EVER seen in History
8.) Could it be this “refugee crisis” is a planned takeover by the United Nations, U.S. and EU sensitive to the Caliphate of Islamic Teachings?
9.) Could it be that due to Russian intervention in the Syrian war backing Assad this Exodus of Syrians is due to a major surprise all-out attack to be launched by the U.S. and Nato in Syria making Damascus a “ruinous heap”?
10.) Does the China and Russia warships spotted off the coast of Alaska and Georgia U.S. last week indicate something far more threatening and sinister is about to take place on the global scene?
Tune in and get the answers to these questions and much more!
Headlines used:
6 charts and a map that show where Europe’s refugees are coming from – and the perilous journeys they are taking:…
ISIS plotting Trojan Horse campaign by smuggling militants into western Europe disguised as refugees:…
Refugees refuses food and water from Red Cross because of the “Cross”:…
UN Calls for Countries to Accept 180,000 Syrian Refugees as ISIS Says They’re Using Refugees as Trojan Horse:…