Nuclear Weapons, Iran, and the United States


So, the worst has happened and our negotiations in Iran result in them actually obtaining a nuclear weapon which they unleash on the United States and Europe. What now? If you survive the explosion of the bomb, what can you expect in the next few weeks which could, in all likeliness, be your last few weeks on earth?

The greatest number of death would occur in the first nine weeks. Most of the deaths would be from thermal injury also known as radiation. We all know how much the tiny amount of radiation causes in discomfort with medical procedures. Just imagine a blast of the stuff on an unprotected body. Not too many would survive closes quarters to the center of the explosion.

The weeks following the initial blast of the nuclear attack would have deaths from ionizing radiation in lethal levels. The severe effects of this would result in radiation skin burns which would probably lead to a miserable death. I don’t imagine medical help would be readily available. If you luck out and are exposed to only low doses of ionizing radiation, you’d just increased your risk of cancer substantially.

If you survive five months from the onslaught of the nuclear attack, there might be some improvement in the survivors’ overall condition. Complications, however, would continue to plague people in relations to the healing of the burns and other injuries like broken bones, lack fo food, water, etc. A few other ‘bonuses’ of surviving the radiation poisoning would be a greatly increased chance of cancer, cataracts, and problems in other organs, infertility, blood disorders, and probably birth defects.

Another side effect would be the human component. Personalities don’t change but are enhanced in a desperate situation so one would have to deal with the greedy, mean, murderous as well as the kind and helpful willing to share to survive.

Those further away from the contact point of the nuclear bomb would probably do well to shelter in place. If one chose to evacuate, they should go perpendicular to the direction of the wind which would be pushing along the fallout plume. This fallout plume is described in Wikipedia as:

“Nuclear fallout, or simply fallout, is the residual radioactive material propelled into the upper atmosphere following a nuclear blast or a nuclear reaction conducted in an unshielded facility, so called because it “falls out” of the sky after the explosion and shock wave have passed. It commonly refers to the radioactive dust and ash created when a nuclear weapon explodes, but such dust can also originate from a damaged nuclear plant. Fallout may take the form of black rain (rain darkened by particulates).”

Basically, the explosion of a nuclear bomb would result in the loss of tens of millions of people , from the bomb, itself, as well as from the subsequent climate changes, too. Perhaps, Al Gore’s ‘dream come true’ – a scientifically-based climate change! Also, another consequence of this type of disaster would be the soot and dust that would invade the atmosphere which could cover the earth and block out sunlight for years which would, indeed, disrupt the food chains and result in more death and destruction.

If all that were not enough, there is also another effect of setting off a nuclear bomb called, EMP? Don’t know what that is:

And, an all too realistic movie made in 1983 about the aftereffects of an attack: