Little Dress for Africa – Latest Creations Ready to Mail!

P1000943 P1000942 P1000940A friend recently decided to dismantle her sewing room and gifted me with yards and yards of beautiful fabric. They all seemed to lean towards becoming new dresses for little girls who have never had one in their life. The interesting part in accepting fabric from another quilter/seamstress is that you discover how narrow your view of color can be as you tend to have favorites and, as i found, sometimes neglect some creativity with choices outside your usual box.

I particularly had fun working with the pre-printed quilt patterns and fabrics with printed borders. I think I made more red and navy blue dresses this week than I have in the past few years.

I sent off 15 dresses last month and was figuring on taking a break until after my Christmas sewing was done but the temptation of new and wonderful colors proved to be too much temptation!

Sending off Little Dresses for Africa!

P1000804I had some time, last week and over the days managed to get eight more dresses down for Little Dresses for Africa. Anyone who likes to sew, might look into trying this. The dresses are basic which leaves lots of room for artistic touches like pockets and trims. Fun to imagine, too, that some little girl in Africa will have a wonderful surprise one of these days when the latest shipment of little dresses arrive.

Little Dresses for Africa – Ready for the Mail!

P1000728 P1000731 P1000733 P1000737So far, I’ve made (including this pictured shipment), 86 dresses for Africa. I have to say it has been a lot of fun using up yard pieces of fabric and planning colors for the pockets and purchasing matching tee shirts. Anyone who like to sew, might consider donating a sewing day a month to making these dresses for little girls in Africa. One of your dresses might be the first new dress some little girl has ever owned! Just Google search Little Dresses for Africa for directions/information.

More Little Dresses for Africa!

P1000644I’m still working on my current sewing project for Little Dresses for Africa. I’ve sewn seventeen to date and these I just finished today. So far, I’ve made six small-sized dresses, six medium-sized dresses and these five large-sized dresses. The photo doesn’t do justice to the colors of the fabric.

Anyone interested in doing some sewing for little girls far away in Africa, just google Little Dresses for Africa and it will take you to plenty of sites as well as the pattern.

Little Dresses for Africa!

P1000574 P1000575 P1000576As many of my friends know, I like to sew but even with all that is available to sew, sometimes, you need a project that means something, too. I recently discovered ‘Little Dresses for Africa’. Links to check out: and

Basically, volunteers from all over that love to sew and like to give of themselves are making these dresses for little girls and distributing them to Africa through orphanages, churches, and schools. The basic pattern is easy and you can probably make more than one in the space of an afternoon. There is also a pattern available on-line for making shorts for little boys. I have a lot of fabric, not a lot of time, but making these dresses works right into my schedule. Only one major seam, a drawstring type of neckline and whatever else you want to add like pockets, lace, etc., is up to you.

Check out the pictures on the first link and see how happy the children are on distribution day when they all get a new dress.