A Reminder of the Reality of a Good Marriage

SacredI’ve run into this several times over the years and thought it was most worthy to share. With the divorce rate so high in today’s society, this is certainly a reminder that there is a lot more to the “I do” of the wedding ceremony.

In the small town of Herzegovina, when a Catholic couple is married, they are told:

You have found your cross. It is a cross to be loved, to be carried, a cross not to be thrown away, but to be cherished.

In Herzegovina, the cross represents the greatest love. During the marriage ceremony, the bride and groom place their hands together on a crucifix. Then they kiss, not each other, but the cross. The crucifix they kiss at their wedding then becomes a focal point of their home. It’s a reminder that if one should abandon the other, they cannot do so without abandoning Jesus Crucified.