How I Spent My Lent in 2015!

P1000537 P1000539 P1000540 P1000541 P1000542 P1000543 P1000544 P1000545 P1000546 P1000547 P1000548 P1000549 P1000550Decided to take a different approach to Lent this year and get an afghan a week done for Comfort Covers Ministry. Actually ended up with thirteen of them completed by Easter Sunday! A side benefit of my effort was that I finally made a substantial dent in my hoard of yarn leftover from other projects. Unfortunately, in order to finish the above, I ended up having to purchase more yarn here and there and still maintain a leftover yarn ‘collection’!

Conquering Crocheting . . .

P1060233I’ve been busy crocheting Christmas gifts and after making four afghans, I had a lot of yarn still left over. You can see from the picture that I’m trying to put the odds and ends to good use. One problem! I ended up having to purchase three or four more skeins of yarn in order to have enough to continue and now . . . have a whole, new set of leftover yarn to deal with.

The same thing happens with my quilting. I have a large container of beautiful scraps. I have trouble keeping ahead of this growing pile of fabric pieces. My husband’s solution (typical male!) is to throw them out and start over again. I won’t do it . . . because I know there would be two forgotten scraps I miss and they will multiply overnight and that would scare me! 🙂

The Ten Commandments of Crocheting

The Ten Commandments of Crocheting

The Ten Commandments of Crocheting

1. Thou shalt not call it “knitting”. Nothing will raise the hackles of a die hard crocheter faster than mistaking this craft for the k-word.

2. Thou shalt always look before sitting down. Errant hooks can find their way quite easily among sofa cushions, and thus into tender body parts, regardless of how “well padded” they may be.

3. The Yarn Stash is sacred above all. Thou shalt never touch, move, organize, spindle or mutilate in any way. THIS MEANS YOU!

4. Yes, I do need all those pattern books.

5. There really is a difference between a work-in-progress and an abandoned project, although it may have been just as long since either one of them has been touched.

6. Thou shalt never interrupt my crocheting to have me watch the greatest play the team ever made. No, it isn’t special; it’s just like every other sports event on TV.

7. Do not remind me that there are more important things in life
than crochet. I already know that. Right now, I can’t really think what they are, but I know there must be something.

8. Never ask how much I spent on yarn, hooks or patterns. This will only force me to lie to you. Then I will feel guilty for lying, and of course, I can only allay my guilt by buying more yarn.

9. Never refer to my crocheted gifts to you as “homemade”. Instead, they are “lovingly crafted” … or better yet, “custom-styled”.

10. Saturday morning is my time to devote strictly to crochet. Please honor it with no distractions …and Friday night as well …and probably Wednesday afternoon. And anytime I need to make a birthday gift. But that’s it. Except for, of course, if I need to make a baby layette, or …