Basically, Also a Prayer for the Future . . .

O glorious St. Joseph, to you God committed the care of His only begotten Son amid the many dangers of this world. We come to you and ask you to take under your special protection the children God has given us. Through holy baptism they became children of God and members of His holy Church. We consecrate them to you today, that through this consecration they may become your foster children. Guard them, guide their steps in life, form their hearts after the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

St. Joseph, who felt the tribulation and worry of a parent when the child Jesus was lost, protect our dear children for time and eternity. May you be their father and counsellor. Let them, like Jesus, grow in age as well as in wisdom and grace before God and men. Preserve them from the corruption of his world, and give us the grace one day to be united with them in Heaven forever. Amen.

If SB360 Doesn’t Mean Anything to You, You might Research It Before It is Too Late . . .

As many of us are already aware, the California Senate recently passed SB360 which would make it mandatory for clergy to report allegations of child abuse to the police even if such information was obtained through the Catholic Church’s Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession. Although clergy, along with teachers, law enforcement, etc., are already on the list as mandatory reporters for child abuse in California, priests were allowed an exception for penitential communications in order to preserve the secrecy of the confession in the Catholic Church. California has now passed a bill that would require clergy to report allegations of child abuse to the police even if the information is received through the sacrament of reconciliation. California is the first State to pass such bill.

SB360 was introduced by Senator Jerry Hill and passed by the Senate on May 24 of this year by a vote of 30-4 with four senators abstaining.

This Bill is now going before the California Assembly, where Democrats hold a 61-19 majority. I think, given these numbers, Catholics in California should be very worried. Catholics in every other State should join us in prayer before they, too, find their separation of church and state rights being compromised, too.

Although this Bill would not jeopardize any other Christian faith, once given the power to change a revered part of the Catholic Church, you can be almost certain other faiths could be attacked in some way, too.

Also, please email Assembly member Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr. He is the chairman of the Assembly Public Safety Committee that is in charge of this bill.


Also, the Catholic League is working hard to fight this Bill.


Come, Holy Ghost – A Blessed Pentecost!

When I was growing up, Come, Holy Ghost was THE hymn for Confirmations and was usually sung as the candidates for Confirmation processed up to be confirmed. My mother was active in the choir at the time of my Confirmation and I reminded her every day preceding the event (as if I needed to, right?) that Come, Holy Ghost was my favorite ever hymn and don’t forget to sing it.

The evening of my Confirmation arrived and I anxiously awaited the procession up to the bishop for my reception of the sacrament, ears tuned for ‘my’ hymn. It didn’t happen! It actually disappointed me so much when another, unknown hymn went into play, that I don’t remember much of that day.

Since my own Confirmation, I don’t think I can recall one that did not have Come, Holy Ghost and have always wondered why my mother (she was choir director) changed the hymn at the last minute.

Based on False Science and Worse . . .

When Everything Seems To Be Out of Control . . .

Come, O Holy Spirit!

Come, giver of gifts! The greatest of comforters!

You are my soul’s refreshment! Her rest in toil; her shelter in heat; her solace in woe!

O most blessed Light!

Water our dryness; heal our wounds; bend our stubborn will; warm our cold hearts; guide our straying steps.

Give to thy faithful, who hope in thee, thy holy seven gifts. Give them endless joy. Amen.

Do YOU Pray for Our President?

There are many ‘christians’ in the world but how many are CHRISTIANS? In all the mud slinging coming from the media and the left, how many people realize that as Christians we have a God-given obligation to pray . . . especially for those people who have been duly elected to guide and help our country.

Those of us who did and will continue to support President Trump probably have a story or two about friends and family who have slighted you or turned entirely away from you because you can’t see anything wrong in following the current battle cry, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

As Christians, we do have a God-given obligation to pray for both the people we like and those we aren’t quite so happy about. Yet, I’ve heard people denigrate our current president and got a very strong impression that any prayers they might be inclined to pray would not include any intercession for President Trump? And, why not? He might not have been your first choice in 2016 but he is the President and he literally could be standing between the people of our country and the eventual downfall of our country. God listens to sincere prayer but He also ‘helps him who helps himself’ and denying prayer for the leader of our country doesn’t seem to be a productive choice in life.

I’ve had relatives stop talking to us because they KNEW we’d vote the more pro-life of the candidates in 2016. Even a few ‘catholic’ friends stopped talking to us. Seems to me that this sort of reaction is superficial and unbecoming to people who were raised better. They have forgotten that God’s Will and prayer goes a long way to making situations in life work for the best. Sadly, however, they have the ‘all ways, are my ways’ mentality which doesn’t help towards cultivating a prayer life to work with God’s ultimate plan for the world about which we know nothing because God is still in charge. Hey, pray for the best without telling God how to do it and see what happens and then recognize the good in life when it is given to you.