Do YOU Pray for Our President?

There are many ‘christians’ in the world but how many are CHRISTIANS? In all the mud slinging coming from the media and the left, how many people realize that as Christians we have a God-given obligation to pray . . . especially for those people who have been duly elected to guide and help our country.

Those of us who did and will continue to support President Trump probably have a story or two about friends and family who have slighted you or turned entirely away from you because you can’t see anything wrong in following the current battle cry, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

As Christians, we do have a God-given obligation to pray for both the people we like and those we aren’t quite so happy about. Yet, I’ve heard people denigrate our current president and got a very strong impression that any prayers they might be inclined to pray would not include any intercession for President Trump? And, why not? He might not have been your first choice in 2016 but he is the President and he literally could be standing between the people of our country and the eventual downfall of our country. God listens to sincere prayer but He also ‘helps him who helps himself’ and denying prayer for the leader of our country doesn’t seem to be a productive choice in life.

I’ve had relatives stop talking to us because they KNEW we’d vote the more pro-life of the candidates in 2016. Even a few ‘catholic’ friends stopped talking to us. Seems to me that this sort of reaction is superficial and unbecoming to people who were raised better. They have forgotten that God’s Will and prayer goes a long way to making situations in life work for the best. Sadly, however, they have the ‘all ways, are my ways’ mentality which doesn’t help towards cultivating a prayer life to work with God’s ultimate plan for the world about which we know nothing because God is still in charge. Hey, pray for the best without telling God how to do it and see what happens and then recognize the good in life when it is given to you.

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