Granny Squares!

After a summer of Christmas gift crocheting, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is now time to start using up the leftover yarn. I’m not one to throw away a few feet of yarn just because the original project is over, done, and delivered. That’s where I go back to my simpler crocheting roots and turn them into Granny Squares when eventually turn into a really nice afghan. My only expenditure for the project is one, main color. As you can see in the picture, black was my choice this time but I recently finished one using white for the borders. My first time going with something other than a dark color and discovered I could now add to my crocheting repertoire!

The reason I enjoy making these ‘scrap’ projects is that they will always be pretty much one of a kind and they don’t have to be done in a day. If I run out of the ‘scrap yarn’ portion, I can always put it aside and wait. I seem to attract a lot of yarn which, in turn, results in a lot of ‘scraps’.

My husband isn’t much help in using up the yarn I have before starting into another project requiring a yarn purchase. Last year, I fell in love with a new type of yarn that comes in amazing variegated shades with fun names like “Gnome”, “Spirit”, and “Centaur”. My husband also liked the new choices so hardly a trip to Walmart goes by that he doesn’t discover a color I don’t have yet and throws two or three skeins in the shopping cart!

2 thoughts on “Granny Squares!

  1. Beautiful, Barbara! I just started a granny ripple stitch blanket for my dil-to-be as her Christmas gift. She picked the colors & gets to watch her one of a kind blanket/gift come to life for the next few weeks. Yes, we lose the element of surprise but since she is only 19 herself, she gets excited knowing that I am making her something special just as a did for each of my own children. 😉 Shortly after that, the baby crocheting will begin!!! ❤


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