Fudge Fantasy Dessert

Holidays are coming! Hey! YES, they are, just look at the calendar. This dessert, however, might take some of the worry out of providing a treat for family or guests. It is very rich so you can find some of those cute, small dishes and surprise people with your elegant dessert.

Fudge Fantasy Dessert

When the Lent ends and your thoughts turn to Easter meals and sumptuous calories . . .
12 ounces semi-sweet chocolate
2 14-ounce cans sweetened, condensed milk (evaporated milk will not work!)
½ cup hot water
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 pint heavy whipping cream
In a saucepan, gently melt chocolate and condensed milk. Cook, stirring constantly until thick, about five minutes. Add hot water and continue cooking until it thickens and boils. Remove immediately from heat. Scrape into bowl and refrigerate until thoroughly cool, about an hour. Beat whipping cream until very stiff and fold into cooled chocolate mixture.
Spoon into individual dessert dishes or sundae cups and refrigerate until set. Garnish with a swirl of whipped cream and a cherry. This is very rich so you won’t need huge servings.

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