Man’s Disregard for Life Over the Decades

When man feels an entitlement of power over another’s life, whether by race, creed, or color, history shows that they often find a way to act upon their power and destroy what is not their’s . . .stealing the lives of other people to further whatever agenda they want to inflict upon a certain group of people. The list above is only a short one given the many other events in not so long ago history not mentioned here because they didn’t murder enough to be quite as memorable.

I’m thinking the list is even less complete as it doesn’t really cover more recent history. Interesting that it wasn’t noted as it was at the top of the charts for cold-blooded murder.

The attack began in 1973 and continues to this day. So far over 60,000 million have died most without a second thought. The current rate of deaths is over 900,000 a year which is about 2500 a day, and over 100 each hour.

We should pray for all the poor souls that have been brutally murdered over the years by dictator monsters . . . and for the reprieve from the death sentences imposed on so many babies even as I type this paragraph.

The only countries in the world that allow third trimester abortions currently are


North Korea


United States of America

Shouldn’t these countries take their place on the infamous roll call of murderers in history?

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