We Three Kings . . .

Every year, on January sixth, we celebrate the Feast of the Three Kings or The Epiphany. This morning, the celebrant of the Mass reminded us of marking our doorways to bless all who enter our homes in the coming year.

With just a piece of white chalk and an inclination, you can notify the world that you believe in your faith and honor the Three Kings who traveled so far to meet the God they had been looking for many years.

Chalk in hand, write over your front doorway:


The numbers stand for the year – 2018.
The initials are for Caspar, Melchoir, and Balthazar

To finish off your mini-service/blessing:

Dear Jesus, as You led the Three Kings to You by the light of a star, please draw us ever closer to You by the light of Faith. Help us to desire You as ardently as they did. Give us the grace to overcome all the obstacles that keep us far from You. May we, like them, have something to give You when we appear before You. Amen

One time, I had some Jehovah Witnesses come to the door. I always stop my day to chat with them and get my two cents put forth. On this occasion, one of the gentlemen kept looking up over my head. Suddenly, he asked, “What is that writing over your door?” indicating my Three Kings marks for the year. I explained it to him and he was very taken with the idea and thanked me for telling him.

A few months later, the Jehovah Witnesses were at the door, again, and in the middle of our discussion, one of them pointed to the markings over the door but before he could verbalize a question, the other one exclaimed, “Oh, listen to this! When I was here she told me about it and this is really a neat idea!”

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