David Daleiden – Where is He Today? Uh, WHO is he?

David Daleiden – Where is He Today? Uh, WHO is He?

On first reading, do you know who David Daleiden is? What he has done? And what have his actions earned him?

Do you remember the videos that came out in the last year that exposed Planned Parenthood for running a baby parts selling business? David Daleiden is the person who was part of this ‘sting’ operations. So, what is this Christian and ProLife young man up to these days?

In short, fighting for his freedom and character.

A biased federal judge wants to slap him with civil penalties of ‘contempt of court’.

The courts and biased powers that be are seeking triple damages and reimbursement for their lawyers’ fees in two federal racketeering lawsuits, including the contemp proceeding.

They want to convict David of fifteen felony crimes as charged in California state court so that he’ll get stiff penal fines plus a very long prison sentence.

Basically, they want him discredited and smeared as a serial felon and put him behind bars for as many years as possible.

His crime? He brought to light the fact that there was an ongoing traffic in the sale of aborted baby parts.

The Thomas More Society is fielding and supporting a team of pro-life attorneys to fight this injustice but you know how things can often go in our liberal, abortion-minded world.

My reason in telling you, besides sharing my disgust and indignation is to let you know that as hard as the people involved with The Thomas More society are working, it is still expensive fighting for rights in this world especially when it deals with any kind of ‘threat’ to abortion or revelation of it’s seedy side. They need money to continue even when I’m sure many that are involved are foregoing checks in order to see this matter rectified. If you are looking for a way to fight for the unborn and against the desecration of aborted babies, you might consider putting The Thomas More Society on your tithing list.

The address for making donations is: Thomas More Society, 19 South LsDalle, Ste. 603, Chicago, IL 60603. (312) 782-1680 http://www.ThomasMoreSociety.org

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