Explaining Away Murder . . .

Definition of the day:
gen-o-cide (pronunciation)
The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group, political group, cultural group. The definition of genocide is specific targeting of people of any national, ethnic, racial, or religious group for purposes of extermination.
Well, you might think to yourself, that certainly doesn’t happen with any frequency these days, right? Doing a little research will, however, point out that there are many such attacks on various groups of people happening in our modern, enlightened era.
In fact, Iceland just proudly informed the world of their particular genocide this week and many people on some news channels almost sounded congratulatory. In case you haven’t heard, Iceland is nearly 100% ‘free’ of Downs children in their country. Did they come up with some genetic cure for this? Perhaps, a prenatal diet that will give each and every unborn baby nutrients that would prevent this? No, Iceland is proud of the fact that they are having a genocide on Downs babies in the womb by way of abortion.
This is the stuff of horrific science fiction stories where everyone has to be the same and perfect in order to maintain some status of the empire.
You have to wonder how living, breathing Downs people feel about this to realize that in a civilized country in the world, their ‘kind’ are being targeted. How many Christians are there in Iceland who seem to find it easy to separate religious values from state laws with the sacrifice of the unborn.
The world is busy these days changing out good for evil and celebrating the evil. I read once that every time a child is born, God smiles as would any of us when presenting someone a gift. How would you feel having a gift you bestowed on someone being spurned?

2 thoughts on “Explaining Away Murder . . .

  1. This will progress to people with genetic-trait health issues, such as diabetes, Parkinson’s Syndrome, MLS, MS, rare forms of cancer, etc.because of their “cost” to society.How long before they come after the obese or the lactose-intolerant? The devil has been set free for too long…


    1. All this for a ‘perfect’ society. They just count in the personality defects that seem to show up in ‘perfect’ societies! Iceland has devastated their future and don’t even realize it.


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