The Post-Election Anguish Continues

I was listening to an interview on the radio today with Congresswoman Maxine Waters and was shocked at how she was using her political position to vent mostly unproven venom against President Trump and spoke early and often that she and others were already digging for dirt in order to impeach him. In fact, when she was initially asked by the interviewer, how she thought things would go with President Trump for the next four years, she immediately spewed forth, “I’m not anticipating him even being here for the next four years!”

Now, it is evident that there are a group of people who are less than happy with the new President. I think they should remember a word or two of their rhetoric of eight years ago when they whined that we all need to work together. Miz Waters, however, has yet to uphold a position of responsibility and good example. I think her nasty words towards a man legally voted into office is offensive to people (some of which could be her constituents) who used their American right to vote the way they want. She and many others of her mind set are all for honoring the vote of every American . . . as long as they vote their way!

In my opinion, when you are an elected official, you should work to bring people together rather than create and inflame division. A true politician would strive to put aside personal baggage and see how they can make the transition go smoother. Her rude words will make their way to President Trump and she should now by now that he doesn’t bother to listen to advice coated with scathing tirades and untrue insults.

The way elections go, there is usually a back and forth between who has the upper hand in the government. This time around, the Republicans won the Senate and House majority plus a Republican president. Her party is always talking about reaching across the aisle for the good of this country. It might be time for her and a lot of other politicians to truly work towards the good of the country.

It is obvious her first concern is not a truly united country but a chance to vent her disappointments. Young people often look to actions of politicians in office and example go a long way towards educating future voters.

One thought on “The Post-Election Anguish Continues

  1. Maxine Waters is and has been a racist, opportunistic, political hack and enterprising extortionist her entire political life.Now, like Nancy Pelosi, she is above the fray of mud-sucking serfs that put her in office, and feels herself elevated to god-like, much like her handler George Soros.

    They can bray and whine all they want – THEY are not going to be in control anymore.


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