Suck It Up, Buttercup!

Finally, a welcome voice of reason has spoken from our United States! And not a minute too soon, either. Bobby Kaufmann, a Republican State Representative says that he will be introducing a bill when the Iowa State Legislature resumes business in January. The name of the Bill is Suck It Up, Buttercup. An adult has spoken and has no sympathy for students (and professors!), that need time to mourn, color in coloring books, knead out their post-elections traumas with Play-Doh, and whimper even as they sip on hot chocolate all in aid of their tender, fractured feelings because the election went according to the laws of the land and not their way.

The snowflake space patrols have been rustling around for awhile now with the advent of ‘safe spaces’ but it was a positive blizzard when the elections voted in more sense than the usual rhetoric. Even though I’m willing to bet a lot of them didn’t even vote, it hit the poor babies hard so exams were cancelled, classes were dismissed, and they gathered in large groups to share in their devastating sorrow . . . and create mayhem, damage, and hurt upon other people. Funny how their guarded sensitivities never once were granted favor to innocent people who happened to get in their way as in driving home from WORK, taking sick people to the doctors, wanting to go grocery shopping in safety, etc., instead of dealing with milling crowds of grief-stricken snowflakes unable to face an adult situation (like an election!) with anything even close to maturity.

The Bill proposed by Representative Bobby Kaufmann, Suck It Up, Buttercup, would deal with taxpayer-funded state universities with a budget cut for DOUBLE the amount they spend on pampering, election-related activities. This would not, of course, take away from therapy and mental health services for real problems.

Just thinking about these college ‘students’ wandering around in a saddened daze and wanting to impeach President-Elect Donald Trump and who knows what other ideas shows how little college is actually preparing students for life after college.

Some of the things Representative Kaufmann reported hearing about were Play-Doh, coloring books, safe spaces to talk out your feelings without contradiction and even some schools bringing in ponies. How are these ‘children’ going to handle the real world? If, God forbid, this country ever goes to war, afraid they won’t be finding any ‘safe spaces’ to get away from the loud report of weaponry when they are called up to defend their nation.

It is refreshing to find a voice of reason being raised and if you want to keep track of his progress with the Bill, just search ‘Suck It Up, Buttercup’ on Facebook.

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