Quick and Easy Candy Treats

Here is a fast and easy way to have some almost-instant treats on hand for unexpected guests who have just called and will be there within the hour! This happens a lot during the holidays so let’s put the ingredients on our shopping list and be prepared to amaze!

Quick and Easy Candy Treats

1 pounds Almond bark (You can find this in the baking section of most grocery stores in white or chocolate flavors.)
1 cup dry roasted peanuts
2 cups miniature marshmallows. (If you can find the multicolored ones, think how pretty that would be!
2 cups crisped rice cereal
1 ½ cups of roughly crushed pretzels

Carefully melt the almond bark either in a glass bowl in your microwave or over a pot of simmering water on the stove. This stuff can burn easily so be prepared! Don’t get any liquid in the mix or it will seize up and it won’t be pretty or usable! Don’t ask me how I know that!

Remove from heat and gently stir in everything but the marshmallows. Carefully fold the marshmallows in last so they don’t over melt and you can still see them in the finished product. Drop by generous teaspoons full onto either parchment paper or waxed paper and let set completely. In a hurry, the refrigerator will hurry up that process.

If you can corral a helper aka one of your wandering children who have been whining about there being nothing to do, he/she can be offered the job of sprinkling the candy with colorful decorations before they set.

You aren’t limited to peanuts!

If you like a really sweet concoction, browse the cereal aisle for an alternative to the crisped rice cereal.

If you do chocolate candies, melt down a bit of white almond bark and drizzle it over the set candy. Switch around the concept if you used white almond bark for the candy.

Want to go for a slightly healthier approach, pumpkin and sun flower seeds can work in your creation.

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