Finally, a Voice of Reason from Europe – We Need to Defend Poland With Prayer!

Here is an except from a speech given in Poland in regards to the Pope’s ‘demand’ for Poland to open the floodgates to Muslim refugees and Mrs. Pawlowicz’s articulate and well-thought out reply. All the presidents/prime ministers, etc. in Europe should take the same stance in order to bring order and safety back to their respective countries. The Pope should have been applauding Poland not chastising them.

The link for the entire article is listed below. Good, sound reading in this liberally murky world of ours today!


Picking up on the German CDU parliamentary deputy Armin Schuster’s statement that “Germany needs a culture of farewell (Abschiedskultur), as opposed to the culture of welcome (Wilkommenskultur)” Pawłowicz expressed her doubts that the “German culture still has it in it to win against the alien culture in the struggle for the European territory which we are witnessing”.

Commenting on Pope Francis’ homily in Krakow about “strengthening of Catholics’ faith”, Pawłowicz implored that Poles “should continue to defend the Cross and continue to help the needy in the geographic locations where the help is needed”.

She made clear, however, that it is a Polish duty “to defend the Cross, not the Crescent” and that “if the Poles don’t survive in Poland [due to the immigrant invasion spearheaded by Merkel], then no one else will defend the Cross in their place”; a powerful statement from a declared Catholic, and yet another Catholic voice seemingly at odds with Pope Francis’….

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