Something Wrong With These Numbers?

Under the current regime, which we pray will step down without any last-minute drama, things has not been as great as the media and liberals would like to have us believe. Perhaps the hash-tagged, hopeful headlines give them hope that change has happened but hope was misplaced and change didn’t happen for the common good.

There was an outrage over the sad state of medical treatment for our veterans which still isn’t settled to any optimal extent. Various government funding is being pared down. Rumor has it that Social Security will be a victim of this. You know, the only income for some citizens who worked their whole lives and contributed to it. With every incident of gun violence against unarmed citizens, we get a gun control lecture instead of sympathy and encouragement to protect ourselves.

We have been told more than once that ISIS and their ilk are under control. Seems that would be a hard sell in Orlando, Florida, San Bernardino, California, Paris, France, Munich, Germany and this doesn’t take in the isolated assaults on states and countries where people are hurt and killed by people who shouldn’t have been there in the first place or were not followed properly with the safeguards we are supposed to have in place.

So, basically, we are in serious arrears in caring for our own citizens, there is a huge, legal waiting list for citizenship, yet we are supposed to be welcoming to people who can’t be vetted to the tune of thousands per year with free entrance into our country. Interesting, too, is that there should be both Christian and Muslim refugees fleeing but I haven’t heard of resettling too many Christians.

Even though the numbers listed above are seemingly low per state, remember that most of the current attacks were accomplished by few people. One bad apple does spoil the whole bunch . . .

The exiting president still wants to override Congress and Senate and bring in something like 10,000 more refugees. If the proposed Democratic nominee wins, she vows to bring in 500,000 per each year of her term in office. I guess she took pantsuit and refugee advice from Angela Merkel seeing as how well this has worked out in Germany.

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