Let Down By the Supreme Court . . . Again

This morning the Supreme Court of the United States ruled against common-sense health regulations to protect women and in favor of the pro-abortion lobby. Who else lost? The unborn child.

“I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.” — Ronald Reagan

Court decision on Monday is but another sign.”

It is hard to argue that the whole world is not in some sort of seismic upheaval, of which the deplorable U.S. Supreme Court decision on …

2 thoughts on “Let Down By the Supreme Court . . . Again

  1. Sad situation.  Wait until some girl dies in one of those unsafe abortion mills. I have friends who lost their daughter while in college from a botched abortion in one of those mills.  She bled to death.


    1. A potential problem I see is that if the abortion doctors are allowed privileges at any hospital, they might just transfer their dying patient over to the nearest emergency room and that staff will be presented with trying to save the life of the woman and, if she dies at their hands, so to speak, THEY might be held liable. It is a win/win on so many fronts for the abortion death squads.


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