Only In Europe?

Nothing like a headline to get one’s attention especially since it concerns a child. A little girl was raped earlier in the month. She was grabbed from her playtime near her apartment and held at knife point by three males . . . ages 8, 10, and 13! The older one actually videotaped the assault. The victim’s mother got hold of the video and gave it to the police when they showed up an hour and a half later. To date, nothing has been done as they are trying to find someone to help translate as there is a language barrier. No arrests, no detention, not even a slap on the wrist. In fact, the father of the 13 year old high-fived his son upon learning of the event.

These situations are happening all too frequently in Europe right now and I imagine parents are learning to be extra vigilant when it comes to their children especially their daughters although young boys have been assaulted, too.

Countries like Germany and Sweden have allowed more refugees into their countries than they can obviously handle. In order to downplay the problem, they try not to report or let be reported the actual extent of the problem. Citizens of these countries and others are now considered along the lines of second-class people in deference to the ‘guests’ who seemingly feel free to assault anyone even children. You have to wonder about the mind set of the leaders of these countries that they would allow this travesty of justice.

And, we in America have to wonder about the mind set of our leaders and politicians that they are set on spending our tax dollars on bringing in more people than we can afford and police adequately. In Europe, if they don’t want to acknowledge the problem, they pretend it doesn’t happen. Seems that even with the future scenario threatening the United States, our politicians are bumbling around fantasy land, too.

It would appear to be a clear point to consider that the tax dollars that pay the country’s bills come from people working and paying taxes. Now, they want to bring in people who will need jobs and subsidies taking away jobs from tax-paying citizens lowering the amount of money needed to run the country.

Clinton promises to bring in millions more refugees ‘because that is who we are’ . . . As in stupid? However, all the politicians pushing for welcoming in so many people who don’t seem interested in assimilating, don’t have to worry as they all live in gated communities, have the money to take care of themselves, and seem to have a real hatred for the common, working man and his family.

When all those girls in Africa were kidnaped, Michelle held up a sign with a sad face. The sign stated, “Hash tag save our girls”. There, done, problem solved right . . . except no one really went out to help rescue those girls.

What should our hash tag say, do you suppose because what is happening in Europe is beginning here . . . the little girl who was assaulted? She lives in America and was attacked outside her home . . . in America.

2 thoughts on “Only In Europe?

  1. We sure need to pray.  Our legislators have lost our country in the name of political correctness, not to say our church officials are also of the same mindset.  Totally unrealistic.


    1. A friend once told me that the preservation of the Church will ultimately be in the hands of the lay people. From the politically correct attitudes of so many clergy that should be otherwise, I can see this and it
      is happening. Wow, to think that OUR government is NOT protecting us and doesn’t see anything wrong with lying to get out vote and then turning their back on the taxpayers . . . Prayer, prayer, and more prayer!


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