
When people tell me I just don’t understand, it is usually coming from a liberal Democrat who will only start a conversation to tell me I just don’t understand. I have been blessed with more than my share of liberal Democrat relatives. Believe me, one such relative would be enough but having to tip toe through the liberal politically correct rules of speech can be exhausting. Interesting, too, in that they will send out a verbal jab to what I hold near and dear but the minute I refute their information with facts, they rather meanly exclaim, “But, let’s not talk politics!”

Yesterday, I was talking to such a person and since she lives in the area of Orlando, Florida, I said we had been following the current mass killing event and wasn’t it awful. I didn’t think I had made a controversial statement but her immediate reply was, “This is Trump’s fault, you know!” I decided not to follow in her mode of ‘conversation’ and merely said, “Well, one can’t always take the word of the media on these things.” I ventured that given the assumed source of the problem in the attack that at least he wasn’t making a campaign promise about bringing in 500,000 more ‘refugees’ like Clinton. I had to admire the height of this person’s ‘delightful’ naivete’ when she stated with much confidence, “As long as the government keeps us safe, I don’t care how many of them they bring in.” I decided to not remind her of the fact that we were currently dealing with a mass slaughter at that moment.

Turns out the perpetrator of this one-man attack has a rather radical friend, confident. Seems that ISIS has bestowed on him the title of a ‘fighter’ for the cause. And his father had a television show back in the old country wherein he defended al qaeda. Kind of shows our vetting system when his father came over didn’t quite cover all the potential issues. Fifty people died, including the killer and 50 are wounded. I don’t think they felt much protection had been available to them, especially since the attacker had been on a watch list.

Now, in order to keep us safe, the ACLU has come out and blamed Christians for the events that unfolded in Orlando early yesterday morning. The media is continuing to disrespect Trump for saying that we have to do a more thorough job of protecting our borders and dealing with unknowns who want to come in. The gun control bunch is revving up once again in spite of data that shows that gun control doesn’t work. Clinton is insulting Trump yet not coming up with any viable solutions. ISIS and company are rejoicing in their Ramadan offering. And, Pamela Geller who continuing reports the truth lost her Facebook page for her reporting. Last I heard, the father of the Orlando murderer still has his Facebook page going. None so blind as he who will not see so I guess my above-mentioned in-law will continue to feel safe because she will never see it coming . . .

2 thoughts on “Next?

  1. Hit the nail on the head – the left doesn’t want facts. They want emotional knee jerks and their version of events and history. I don’t hold back anymore. I don’t bring things up. I let them bring it up then I hit back with both barrels, the nunchuks, and the Maglite flashlight – no mercy shown to fools. It’s precious seeing that wet-eyed look of offense and hurt…


  2. So sad how people are so easily fooled.  Some in church still refuse to see the lies of Obama and Hillary


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